Figure 3. EPN cell line 811 is sensitive to STAT3 knockdown leading to apoptosis.
(A) Concentration of IL6 secretion from newly created pediatric EPN cell lines and control glioblastoma (GBM) cell line. (B) Western blot validation of STAT3 knockdown in 811 cell line (representative blot). All experiments using shRNA knockdown were validated by western blots. (C–D) Inhibition of cell proliferation by STAT3 knockdown was assessed by MTS and 3H-thumidine incorporation in 811 cells. Graphs are representative experiments. MMC = mitomycin C; (E) Real-time quantification of cleaved Caspase 3/7, representative of apoptosis, over 160 hours of STAT3 knockdown. Graph shows accumulation of cleaved caspase 3/7 normalized to cell numbers. (F) IL6 secretion by 811 cells after STAT3 knockdown. * denotes p-value <0.05 calculated using 2-tailed paired t-test.