Fig 5. Net weight gain in outbred HED-fed Sprague Dawley rats correlates with attenuation of MTII responses, while NPY responses are paradoxically increased in DR, not DIO-D rats.
Individual net weight gain versus (A) MTII- (100 nM; n = 47 from 34 rats) or (B) NPY- (300 nM; n = 51 from 36 rats) mediated changes in IPSC amplitude obtained from neurons in HED-fed (A, B) rats, or versus body weight from HED-N (C) rats. In C, MTII (100nM) n = 20 from 14 rats; MTII (10 nM) n = 12 from 8 rats; NPY (100nM) n = 21 from 16 rats. Insets in A and B show the respective linear regression analysis and Pearson r values. Overall body weight and peptide responses were not significantly correlated in NS neurons from HED-N rats.