Fig. 3.
Quantitative analysis of intact glycopeptides. The intact glycopeptides with a minimum of five MS/MS spectra matching with both high mannose and complex fucosylated glycans assigned to the same N-glycosites are presented here. VQPFN*VTQGK (lysosome associated membrane protein 2), HNN*DTQHIWESDSNEFSVIADPR (heat shock protein 90 B1), VPYNVGPGFTGN*FSTQK (glutamate carboxypeptidase), YYN*YTLSINGK (glucosamine 6 sulfatase), AGPN*GTLFVADAYK (adipocyte plasma membrane protein) and NLEKN*STKQEILAALEK, TN*STFVQALVEHVKEECDR, DVVTAAGDMLKDN*ATEEEILVYLEK, TN*STFVQALVEHVK, LIDNN*KTEK (prosaposin). The y axis represents the ratio observed between PC3/LNCaP cells using iTRAQ-based quantification. The number above each bar indicates the number of MS/MS spectra used to determine the glycopeptide ratio between PC3 and LNCaP cells.