Figure 2.
Genetic Ablation of COX in BrafV600E Cells Shifts the Tumor Inflammatory Profile
(A–E) WT mice were inoculated with 106 control, Ptgs2−/−, or Ptgs1/Ptgs2−/− BrafV600E cells. 4 days later, the expression of an array of immune-associated genes was determined by qPCR in whole-tumor homogenates.
(A) Tumor weight at the time of harvest is shown.
(B) Heatmaps for a selected list of genes show log2 ΔCT values normalized to hprt of two biological replicates for each value. The genes are ordered from highest to lowest by fold change in control relative to Ptgs2−/− or Ptgs1/Ptgs2−/− samples.
(C and D) Relative expression of each gene normalized to hprt.
(E) Concentration of PGE2 in lysates from 105 total tumor cells. Each dot represents one independent tumor.
See also Figure S5.