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. 2015 Oct 8;10(10):e0138082. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138082

Table 3. Results of five-way factorial ANOVA (A) and Tukey test (B) on the abundance of Aedes immature considering species, months, habitats, area (urban-rural) and location of the habitats as variables.

The F values significant at P < 0.05 level are marked in bold.

Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F
Species (S) 10862.89 1 10862.89 657.44
Month (M) 99432.40 5 19886.48 1203.56
Habitat (H) 15315.07 1 15315.07 926.90
Area (A) 369.44 1 369.44 22.36
Location (L) 487.53 1 487.53 29.51
S * M 5144.21 5 1028.84 62.27
S * H 9370.77 1 9370.77 567.14
S * A 228.01 1 228.01 13.80
S * L 16.73 1 16.73 1.01
M * H 6337.05 5 1267.41 76.71
M* A 606.02 5 121.20 7.34
M * L 417.83 5 83.57 5.06
H * A 49.62 1 49.62 3.00
H * L 89.59 1 89.59 5.42
A * L 186.58 1 186.58 11.29
S * M * H 2920.77 5 584.15 35.35
S * M * A 262.06 5 52.41 3.17
S * M * L 383.30 5 76.66 4.64
S * H * A 2098.55 1 2098.55 127.01
S * H * L 404.19 1 404.19 24.46
S * A * L 76.11 1 76.11 4.61
M * H * A 233.45 5 46.69 2.83
M * H * L 242.66 5 48.53 2.94
M * A * L 449.99 5 90.00 5.45
H * A * L 105.56 1 105.56 6.39
S * M * H * A 647.03 5 129.41 7.83
S * M * H * L 357.48 5 71.50 4.33
S * M * A * L 1302.35 5 260.47 15.76
S * H * A * L 150.33 1 150.33 9.10
M * H * A * L 112.77 5 22.55 1.36
S* M * H * A* L 302.82 5 60.56 3.67
Error 505983.26 30623 16.52
Total 694727.94 30718
B Post hoc Tukey test. Studentized range q = [|(I-J)|/S.E.] S.E. = 0.08; df = 3071, 5
(I) Month (J) Month q (I) Month (J) Month q
July August 2.64 August December 4.31
July September 0.96 September October 1.28
July October 0.32 September November 2.64
July November 0.32 September December 4.69
July December 1.67 October November 1.36
August September 3.73 October December 3.41
August October 1.67 November December 2.06
August November 2.95