Fig 3. Target locations and penalty conditions.
A) The nine locations of the targets on the screen (black circles) are shown; the dashed lines indicate the movement distances between targets. B) A representative sequence of three consecutive trials with different target distance and target width with score penalty for missed targets (Yes Penalty condition, YP). The score at each trial was based on the speed of the movement and the actual ID; note the values displayed in the figure were chosen only for demonstrative purpose. In case a target was missed, as the last move (c) shows, a 30 bubbles penalty was subtracted from the Total Score (TS, see methods) at the end of a block of 45 sequential targets. C) A similar representative sequence of three consecutive trials with different target distance and target width with none penalty for missed targets (No Penalty condition, NP). In this case, if a target was missed then no penalty was subtracted from the TS.