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. 2015 Oct 8;10(10):e0140008. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0140008

Table 1. Model predictors of adherence.

Model Variable Description
Model 1 and model 2 Continuity of care Usual Provider Continuity Score (UPI)[25] (tertile and dichotomous ≥ 75%, proportion of visits to most-visited provider); alternative: CoC score[26], concentration of patient visits across set of providers
Age At time of survey completion (July 1, 2006 –June 30, 2009)
Gender As per Australian Medicare profile (which can be updated by the individual)
Model 2 only Highest Education Qualification Self-reported
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Self-reported
Language other than English Language spoken at home
Partnership Status Marriage or partner versus never married, separated, divorced or widowed
Private Health Insurance Self-report of private insurance (at levels of basic private hospital cover or ‘with extras,’ indicating additional cover for ancillary non-hospital services), or Health Care Card[20]
Employment status Including self-employed
Annual income Self-reported
ARIA+ Remoteness Accessibility and Remoteness Index for Australia Plus (ARIA+) score for the postcode of residential address*
Body Mass Index From self-reported height and weight
Current Smoking Status Self-reported
Alcohol Drinks / week Self-reported
Sufficient Fruit and Vegetables ≥ 2 servings per day of fruit and 5 of vegetables
Sufficient Physical Activity At least 150 MET (Metabolic Equivalent Task) adjusted minutes over 5 sessions per week
Self-Rated Health Self-reported “Overall health”
New to Statins Considered ‘new’ to statin therapy if there are no PBS records of statins dispensed in the 2 years prior to the study entry date
Self-Reported Heart Disease Response to “Has a doctor ever told you that you have any of the following…” with tick-box for Heart Disease
Comorbidities Number of self-reported conditions, out of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, blood clot, asthma, Parkinsons disease, and any cancer except skin cancer
Functional Limitations Medical Outcomes Study Physical Functioning (MOSPF) scale[32]
Psychological Distress Kessler–10 (K10) score[33]

* ARIA+ is based on sum of ratios of road distances to population centers of five distinct sizes as compared to Australian national averages[34]. We label ARIA+ bands: 0–1.84 = Metro; >1.84–3.51 = Inner Regional; >3.51–5.80 = Outer Regional; >5.80–9.08 = Remote; and >9.08 = Very Remote.

† BMI categories are labelled conventionally as Underweight (BMI<20), Normal weight (BMI 20 –<25), Overweight (BMI 25 –<30) and Obese (BMI 30 and higher).