(A) Representative electron microscopy images of liver sections from WT and LBmal1KO mice (n=3/time point/genotype) at ZT6 and ZT18. (B) Mitochondrial size distribution calculated from EM images in 1000 μm2 surface area/liver. (C) The mitochondrial surface (average), density, and coverage calculated from EM images at ZT6 and ZT18. (D) Coupling assay in mitochondria isolated from WT and LBmal1KO livers at ZT6 and ZT18. A-D refer to the time course of adding ADP, oligomycin, FCCP, and antimycin A. Stages 3, 4o, and 3u respiration are indicated. (E) The basal oxygen consumption rate (OCR, left panel) and respiratory control ratio (RCR=3u/4o, right panel) determined based on data in (D). (F) Images of liver tissue sections showing GFP-tagged mitochondria in WT and LBmal1KO mice fed ad libitum and sacrificed at ZT4 or ZT16. Green: Cox8a-GFP. Blue: nucleus stained with DAPI. (G) Images of mitochondrial network from fasted/refed mice. Food was removed at ZT12. Mice were sacrificed at ZT16 (fasted) or refed at ZT0 and sacrificed at ZT4 (see top panel for the experimental design). Data presented as mean ± SEM. *p<0.05.