(A, B) Nicotiana reflectance spectra from 300 to 700 nm, which roughly correspond to colours perceived by human observers as pink (A) and green (B). See Supplementary Data Fig. S2 for other spectral colour categories. Solid lines are used for diploid taxa, dashed lines for polyploid taxa, and dotted lines for homoploid hybrid taxa. Abbreviations: p, pink; syn, synthetic; g, green. (C) Colour hexagon displaying the distribution of Nicotiana colour loci in bee colour space. The hexagon has been scaled so that vertices represent 40 % excitation of photoreceptors. UV, ultraviolet; UV-B, UV–blue; B, blue; B-G, blue–green; G, green; UV-G, UV–green. Bee colour categories are delineated by coloured ovals; sat., saturated. Nicotiana species abbreviations are as follows: acum, acuminata; aren, arentsii; atten, attenuata; benavid, benavidesii; benth, benthamiana; clev, clevelandii; forst, forsteri; glau25, glauca 51725; glau51y, glauca 51751 yellow; glau51g, glauca 51751 green; glut, glutinosa; goss, gossei; knight, knightiana; langs, langsdorffii; lin9647, linearis 964750099; linTW77, linearis TW77; mega, megalosiphon; mier, miersii; mut1w, mutabilis CPG12456 white; mut1p, mutabilis CPG12456 pink; mut3w, mutabilis CPG3 white; mut3p, mutabilis CPG3 pink; neso, nesophila; noct, noctiflora; nudi, nudicaulis; ×obtus1, × obtusiata line 1; ×obtus2, × obtusiata line 2; ×obtus5, × obtusiata line 5; obtusB, obtusifolia var. obtusifolia ‘Baldwin’; obtusTW, obtusifolia var. obtusifolia TW143; obtuspalm, obtusifolia var. palmeri; occhesp, occidentalis subsp. hesperis; otoph w, otophora white; otoph p, otophora pink; pani, paniculata; pauc, pauciflora; petun, petunioides; plumba, plumbaginifolia; quad9047, quadrivalvis 904750042; quadTW18, quadrivalvis TW18; raim, raimondii; repa, repanda; rustasi, rustica var. asiatica; rustpav, rustica var. pavonii; syn U×P, synthetic U×P; syn F1, synthetic PUE1 F1; synrust S0, synthetic rustica PUE1-R10 S0; synrust S1, synthetic rustica PUE1-R1 S1; setch, setchellii; stock, stocktonii; suav, suaveolens; sylv6898, sylvestris 6898; sylvA047, sylvestris A04750326; tab09555, tabacum 095-55; tab51789, tabacum 51789; tabchulu, tabacum ‘Chulumani’; syntabQM, synthetic tabacum QM; syntabTH37, synthetic tabacum TH37; tomtform, tomentosiformis; undu, undulata; wigan, wigandioides; TH32, TH32, synthetic N. sylvestris × N. otophora polyploid. (D) Distribution of Nicotiana spectral loci in hummingbird colour space. Vertices of the hummingbird colour space represent 50 % excitation of the photoreceptors; single photoreceptor type vertices (red, green, blue and UV) are coloured red, green, blue and black, respectively, and all other vertices are grey. Red, green, blue and black arrows represent the vectors of these photoreceptors from the origin of the hummingbird colour space. Nicotiana loci are coloured according to hummingbird colour categories (Supplementary Data Fig. S3B), but are labelled with the accession name if the category includes only one taxon. See Supplementary Data Video for an animation of this graph.