Fimbriae are not involved in P. gingivalis-mediated regulation of Angpt1 and Angpt2 production in AoSMCs. Quantitative real-time PCR results demonstrate relative transcription levels for Angpt1 (A) and Angpt2 (B) in AoSMCs stimulated with wild-type P. gingivalis 381, the major fimbria mutant (DPG3), the minor fimbria mutant (KRX178) at an MOI of 10, or with medium containing 1 μg/ml of erythromycin (Control+EM) as a control for fimbrial mutants, for 24 h. All results were normalized to the gene expression level of the GAPDH housekeeping gene. Statistically significant differences for the wild-type P. gingivalis strain 381 are shown compared to the negative control. For fimbrial mutants, statistically significant differences are shown compared to group Control+EM. *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.005. (A) n = 7; (B) n = 10.