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. 2015 Aug 4;36(10):1103–1110. doi: 10.1093/carcin/bgv115

Table 3.

Minimal regions of frequent UPD/UPPa

Region Size (bp) Loss (%) UPD/UPP (%) LOH (%)b Number of genesc Genes of interestd
1p35.1-p36.33 15209290 16.7–20 13.3 30–33.3 243 ARID1A
1q44 372585 3.3 13.3 16.7 9
3p21.31-p26.3 46624171 3.3–6.7 13.3 16.7–20 314 VHL; MLH1
3q25.1 442601 0 13.3 13.3 7
5q14.1-q31.2 101633161 6.7–20 13.3–20 20–40 743 APC
8p12-p23.3 33954420 26.7–33.3 13.3–16.7 40–50 277 DLC1
8p11.21-p11.23 2364608 10–16.7 13.3 23.3–30 36
8p11.21-p11.21 9093559 0–3.3 13.3 13.3–16.7 41
8q21.13 333470 0 13.3 13.3 1
8q24.3 286530 0 13.3 13.3 1
9q21.13-q34.3 64365620 10–13.3 13.3 23.3–26.7 599 PTCH1; DAPK1
10q11.23-q26.3 83250609 3.3–10 13.3–16.7 16.7–26.7 624 PTEN; TCF7L2; DMBT1; PLCE1
14q11.2-q24.2 52186574 10–16.7 13.3–20 30 425
14q31.3-q32.33 21331905 16.7–20 13.3 30–33.3 286
17p13.3-q25.3 80999143 6.7–26.7 13.3–23.3 20–46.7 1434 TP53; NF1
18p11.32-q23 77842670 30–40 16.7–26.7 53.3–60 363 SMAD4
19p13.2-p13.3 9862965 0 13.3 13.3 307
19q13.32-q13.43 12657480 0–3.3 13.3 13.3 569 PEG3
20p12.1 780860 10–23.3 13.3–20 23.3–43.3 1
20p12.1 96087 10 13.3 23.3 1
21p11.21-q22.3 37157795 0–10 16.7–23.3 20–30 307
22q11.1-q13.33 34352671 10 20 30 558 MYO18B

aOnly regions showing UPDs/UPPs in more than 10% of the cases are listed.

bLOH represents frequencies of losses and UPDs/UPPs altogether.

cOnly RefSeq genes have been taken into account.

dGenes of recurrent somatic mutation (>8%) based on COSMIC database.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure