Figure 5. EBOV VP35 NPBP binding can compete with NP-ssRNA binding.
(A) Measurement of the fraction of 32P-end labeled ssRNA (20 base, black) and dsRNA (20 nucleotide basepair, red) bound to ΔNPNTD. The ratio of 32P captured on nitrocellulose (from protein bound RNA) or nylon membranes (free RNA) is shown normalized to the fraction bound. (B) Ribbon representation of ΔNPNTD from the ΔNPNTD/NPBP complex structure (inset) highlighting several residues (stick representation) in one of the major basic patches that is important for ssRNA binding. (C) Dot blot binding results. Relative comparison of mutant NP proteins binding to 20 nt ssRNA compared to WT NP. (D) ΔNPNTD binding to 5 nM ssRNA a function of VP35 NPBP concentration. Shown are representative data from at least 3 independent experiments.