Figure 4.
Benefit of stem cell intervention on cardiac performance and hemodynamics. At 3 months (3m) follow-up, iPS cell therapy, administered at 2 weeks post-TAC-iPS(+), rescued LV function, in contrast to unprotected TAC-stressed hearts not receiving cell therapy [TAC-iPS(−)]. Global and regional systolic function was superior in the TAC-iPS(+) group based on speckle strain (A through D), 2-dimensional (2D)/M-mode echocardiography (E through H), and catheterization (I and J) evaluation. Abnormal LV relaxation (K) and diastolic function (L), evident in untreated hearts, was prevented by stem cell therapy. *P<0.05 vs. TAC(−); †P<0.05 vs. TAC-iPS(−). Bar represents 2 mm in (E). Ant.sept. indicates anterior septum; CI, confidence interval; circum., circumferential; dP/dt max., maximum rate of change in LV pressure; dP/dt min., minimum rate of change in LV pressure; iPs, iPS, induced pluripotent stem; longi., longitudinal; LVEDP, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure; Post., posterior wall; R–R, R–R interval; TAC, transverse aortic constriction.