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. 2015 May 28;4(6):e001833. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.115.001833

Table 2.

Study Design and Assay Methods of the 22 Prospective Studies

Study Acronym Study Design Measurement of Dimethylarginines
Country Study Baseline Population Source Baseline Disease No. of Participants Mean Age, y Male, % Sample Type Storage Temperature, °C Assay Method Manufacturers or Assay Source Mean ADMA, μmol/L Mean SDMA, μmol/L
General population
 BRUNECK28 Italy 2000–2010 Population register 685 66 48 Plasma −70° LC-MS/MS ABSciex API 4000 0.97 0.65
 DHS33 US 2000–2002 Population register 3523 43 44 Plasma −70° LC-MS/MS Varian 1200L N/R N/R
 GetABI (no PAD)34 Germany 2001–2006 GP register 1187 72 42 Plasma N/R LC-MS/MS Varian 1200L 0.60 0.48
 INCHIANTI35 Italy 1998–2000 Population register 1025 75 44 Serum −80° LC-MS/MS Varian 1200L 0.5
 KIHD36 Finland 1991–1993 Population register 150 58 100 Serum −80° HPLC N/R 0.51
 KVINNOSTUDIEN37 Sweden 1968–1969 Population register 880 46 0 Serum −20° HPLC In house 0.62
 MDC38 Sweden 1991–1996 Population register 506 58 40 Plasma N/R LC-MS/MS N/R N/R
 MONICA/KORA39 Germany 1989–1995 Population register 342 61 100 Plasma −70° ELISA DLD Diagnostica 0.79
Populations with pre-existing CVD
 AtheroGene40 Germany 1999–2004 Hospital Confirmed CAD 1874 61 79 Serum −80° ELISA DLD Diagnostica 0.68
 BECAC41 Norway 2000–2004 Hospital Suspected CAD 1364 61 75 Plasma −80° LC-MS/MS Bevital AS 0.59*
 Cavalca et al42 Italy 2005–2007 Hospital NSTEMI 104 67 74 Plasma −80° HPLC ESA Biosciences 0.43 0.49
 Cavusoglu et al43 US 1999–2002 Hospital Suspected CAD 182 65 100 Plasma −70° ELISA DLD Diagnostica N/R
 GeneBank44 US N/R Hospital Suspected CAD 1011 64 47 Plasma −80° HPLC In-house 1.03* 0.65*
 GetABI (PAD)34 Germany 2001–2006 GP register PAD 1260 74 46 Plasma N/R LC-MS/MS Varian 1200L 0.63 0.51
 KAROLA45 Germany 1999–2000 Hospital CHD 1148 59 85 Plasma −80° LC-MS/MS Varian 1200L 0.57 0.53
 Lu et al46 Taiwan 1999–2001 Hospital Suspected CAD 103 71 87 Plasma −70° HPLC Waters 470 0.56 0.58
 Lu et al47 Taiwan 2006–2009 Hospital Suspected CAD 997 67 79 Plasma −70° HPLC Waters 470 0.45
Populations with pre-existing kidney disease
 ALERT48 Multi-national 1996–1997 Hospital KTx 1847 50 66 Serum −80° HPLC N/R 0.77*
 CREED49,50 Italy 1997–1998 Hospital CKD stage 5 283 61 56 Plasma −80° HPLC Varian 3.03*
 Ignjatovic et al51 Serbia N/R Hospital Hemodialysis 153 58 70 Plasma N/R HPLC Agilent 1200 0.44 0.94
 MDRD52 US 1989–1993 Hospital CKD stage 3/4 821 52 60 Serum −70° ELISA DLD Diagnostica 0.73
 SDC53 Denmark 1993 Hospital Diab. nephropathy 397 42 61 Plasma N/R HPLC N/R 0.46
Total 1968–2010 19 842 58 58 0.71 0.56

Full study names: ALERT, Assessment of Lescol in Renal Transplantation Study; BECAC, Bergen coronary angiography cohort; BRUNECK, Bruneck Study; CREED, Cardiovascular Risk Extended Evaluation in Dialysis; DHS, Dallas Heart Study; GetABI, German Epidemiological Trial on Ankle Brachial Index; INCHIANTI, Invecchiare in Chianti Study; KAROLA, Langzeiterfolge der KARdiOLogischen Anschlussheilbehandlung; KIHD, Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Study; KVINNOSTUDIEN, Kvinnostudien Population Study of Women in Gothenburg; MDC, Malmö Diet and Cancer Cardiovascular Cohort; MDRD, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study; MONICA/KORA, Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease Augsburg; SDC, Steno Diabetes Center. ADMA indicates asymmetric dimethylarginine; CAD, coronary artery disease; CHD, coronary heart disease; CKD, chronic kidney disease; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; GP, general practitioner; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; KTx, kidney transplant; LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry; N/R, not reported; NSTEMI, non ST-elevation myocardial infarction; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; SDMA, symmetric dimethylarginine.

