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. 2013 May;39:172–181. doi: 10.1016/j.marpol.2012.10.020

Table 3.

Optimal harvest control rules (HCRs) for three alternative management objectives, maximizing either total welfare, total profit, or total yield, for different discount rates (0%, 2%, and 4%). Emerging harvesting properties for 2004–2053 are given as temporal means (with coefficients of temporal variation in parentheses) for catch ratio, total allowable catch (TAC), spawning-stock biomass (SSB), total profit, and total welfare. The catch ratio is the emerging ratio between TAC and total biomass of individuals aged 3 years or older.

Objective Fmax (yr−1) Bmax (1000 tonnes) Catch ratio TAC (1000 tonnes) SSB (1000 tonnes) Total profit (million NOK) Total welfare (million NOK)
Maximize total welfare
0% discount ratea 0.54 640 0.248 (0.039) 431 (0.064) 571 (0.058) 3410 (0.049) 4520 (0.065)
2% discount ratea 0.54 640 0.248 (0.039) 431 (0.064) 571 (0.058) 3410 (0.049) 4520 (0.065)
4% discount rate 0.58 160 0.260 (0.026) 436 (0.051) 526 (0.057) 3375 (0.042) 4512 (0.055)

Maximize total profit
0% discount ratea 0.43 460 0.214 (0.027) 408 (0.062) 709 (0.09) 3466 (0.053) 4465 (0.067)
2% discount ratea 0.43 460 0.214 (0.027) 408 (0.062) 709 (0.09) 3466 (0.053) 4465 (0.067)
4% discount ratea 0.43 460 0.214 (0.027) 408 (0.062) 709 (0.09) 3466 (0.053) 4465 (0.067)

Maximize yield
0% discount rate 1.18 740 0.301 (0.038) 445 (0.057) 383 (0.029) 3190 (0.043) 4374 (0.058)
2% discount rate 0.79 200 0.307 (0.028) 445 (0.047) 367 (0.044) 3164 (0.04) 4347 (0.051)
4% discount rate 0.84 360 0.316 (0.03) 444 (0.049) 340 (0.052) 3110 (0.04) 4288 (0.053)

The same optimal HCR is obtained for different discount rates.