Fig. 7.
s-RNY1-5p is an independent diagnostic biomarker for coronary artery disease (CAD). a Box plots showing the expression in natural logarithmic scale of circulating s-RNY1-5p in the serum of CAD patients (n = 263) versus control individuals (CTL, n = 514). Data derived from RT-qPCR were normalized using cel-miR-39, and presented as mean and standard deviation. b Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve for predicting CAD with s-RNY1-5p. The ROC curve was constructed using s-RNY1-5p based on the RT-qPCR data (n = 777). The area under the ROC curve is given and 95 % confidence interval was indicated in square brackets. The diagonal line indicates a test with an area under the ROC curve of 50 %; P <0.0001. c RT-qPCR analysis of the indicated s-RNYs in bone marrow-derived macrophages incubated for 24 h with the indicated concentrations of different statins. The data were normalized by U2 snRNA and presented as mean and standard deviation (n per group = 3). d ROC, in blue the curve for classical risk factors and markers (hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, smoking, waist circumference, ankle-arm index, ApoA-I, and hs-CRP), in red the same classical risk factors and markers with s-RNY1-5p. The ROC curve was constructed using s-RNY1-5p expression based on the RT-qPCR data (n = 777). The area under the ROC curve is given and 95 % confidence interval was indicated in square brackets. Student’s t-test: ***P <0.001