Fig. 4.
Phenotypic consequences of ubiquitous ectopic Oct4 expression. a Timings/duration of Dox administration. b-f Wildtype untreated (b, e) or 24 h Dox-treated TgOct4 embryos (c, d, f) recovered at E9.5. (e, f) high magnification views of wildtype (e) or Dox-treated TgOct4 embryos showing affected somites. g-j Wildtype untreated (g, i) or 24 h Dox-treated TgOct4 embryos (h, j) recovered at E10.5. (i, j) high magnification views of wildtype (i) or Dox-treated TgOct4 embryos showing affected neural tube. k, l 72-h Dox-treated TgOct4 E10.5 embryo. l high magnification view showing kinked neural tube. WT, wild type; s, somite; n, neural ectoderm. Arrowheads indicate the position of the somite pair formed at the time of Oct4 induction. Black arrowheads: 24 h induction (e8-9 or e9-10); white arrowheads: induction from e7-10. Scale bar: 500 μm (b-d); 250 μm (e, f, i-l); 800 μm (g, h). The observed phenotypes are summarised in the table