Table 1.
Pretreatment patient characteristics
Variable | Entire cohort | 14-3-3η-negative | 14-3-3η-positive | p Value |
Number of patients | 149 | 39 | 110 | |
Categorical variables | ||||
Sex (% female) | 128 (86 %) | 34 (87 %) | 94 (85 %) | 0.7937 |
RF status (% positive) | 126 (85 %) | 21 (54 %) | 105(95 %) | <0.0001 |
ACPA status (% positive) | 97 (65 %) | 20 (67 %)a | 78 (98 %)b | <0.0001 |
14-3-3η status (% positive) | 110 (74 %) | 0 (0 %) | 110 (100 %) | <0.0001 |
Concomitant use of MTX (%) | 117 (79 %) | 34 (87 %) | 83 (76 %) | 0.1733 |
Continuous variables | ||||
Age (yr)c | 57.3 (14.7) | 54.6 (16.1) | 58.2 (14.1) | 0.1924 |
RA duration (mo) | 51 (9–150) | 34 (9–132) | 55 (11–159) | 0.3791 |
MTX dose (mg/wk) | 8.0 (5.0–10.0) | 8.0 (6.0–10.0) | 8.0 (1.5–10.0) | 0.456 |
DAS28-ESR | 5.35(4.40–6.45) | 4.77 (4.10–5.86) | 5.62 (4.64–6.57) | 0.0101 |
HAQd | 1.07 (0.60–1.88) | 1.00 (0.47–1.88) | 1.13 (0.63–1.85) | 0.7328 |
CDAI | 22.2 (14.0–33.5) | 16.0 (11.5–27.0) | 24.7 (16.2–36.3) | 0.015 |
SDAI | 24.3 (14.3–37.4) | 18.8 (11.7–32.7) | 26.8 (16.7–38.6) | 0.0238 |
TJC28 | 7.0 (4.0–13.5) | 5.0 (2.0–12.0) | 7.0 (4.0–14.0) | 0.0327 |
SJC28 | 6.0 (2.0–9.0) | 4.0 (2.0–9.0) | 6.5 (2.8–10.0) | 0.0466 |
SHS | 26.5 (4.5–90.8) | 14.0 (3.0–88.5) | 31.3 (6.9–99.9) | 0.1185 |
JSN scoree | 18.0 (3.0–45.5) | 9.0 (1.5–42.5) | 19.8 (4.1–47.4)f | 0.11 |
Erosion scoree | 10.5 (2.0–45.5) | 5.0 (2.0–40.5) | 12.8 (2.5–53.0)f | 0.108 |
ESR | 44.0 (21.5–72.5) | 35.0 (17.0–58.0) | 47.5 (22.8–80.0) | 0.0482 |
CRP (mg/dl) | 0.83(0.23–3.13) | 0.69 (0.20–2.70) | 0.99 (0.26–3.44) | 0.3769 |
RF | 60.4 (27.4–171.8) | 15.5 (5.8–43.2) | 84.5 (41.9–242.1) | <0.0001 |
ACPA | 100.0 (27.4–100) | 16.9 (1.9–100)a | 100.0 (52.0–100)b | 0.0002 |
14-3-3η (ng/ml) | 0.70 (0.17–5.96) | 0.10 (0.04–0.13) | 1.70 (0.49–11.0) | <0.0001 |
Abbreviations: ACPA anticyclic citrullinated antibodies, CDAI Clinical Disease Activity Index, CRP C-reactive protein, DAS28-ESR Disease Activity Score in 28 joints with erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, HAQ Health Assessment Questionnaire, JSN joint space narrowing, MTX methotrexate, RF rheumatoid factor, RA rheumatoid arthritis, SDAI Simple Disease Activity Index, SHS Sharp/van der Heijde score, SJC28 28-joint swollen joint count, TJC28 28-joint tender joint count
All p values were generated based on Mann–Whitney analysis, with the exception of age, which was generated using paired t tests.
aData were available for 30 patients
bACPA values were available for 80 patients
cAge is presented as the mean (standard deviation). All other variables are presented as the median (interquartile range).
dHAQ scores were available for 146 patients
eJSN and erosion scores were available for 147 patients
fJSN and erosion scores were available for 108 patients