(a) Representative images of dose response of cultured follicles to DXR. Arrow points to the fibrin degradation area surrounding the growing follicle. Arrow head (“<”) points to the encapsulated follicle in the FA-IPN. Scale bar = 500 μm. (b) Kaplan-Meier cumulative survival curves for DXR treatments and control. Sample sizes for each condition [n (condition) = total follicles, animal used, experiments]: n (200 nM) = 69, 4, 3; n (10 nM) = 52, 3, 3; n (1 nM) = 75, 3, 3; n (0.1 nM) = 75, 3, 3; n (0.01 nM) = 80, 3, 3; n (0.005 nM) = 92, 4, 3. (c) Representative images of in vitro follicle maturation (IVFM) results from survived follicles in the 0.01 nM (left) and 0.005 nM (right) DXR treatment group. Scale bar = 100 μm. (d) The diameters of surviving follicles in control conditions (GM and GM+Apr) and 0.005 nM and 0.01 nM DXR treatment groups. Data presented as mean ± SEM.