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. 2015 Oct 9;14:398. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0904-z

Table 1.

Number of remote and non-remote area outlets enumerated and number stocking antimalarials at the time of the survey in Ghana and Kenya, 2011–2012

Country/period of data collection Outlets enumerated Outlets screened Outlets which met screening criteria Outlets in which inter-views were conducted Outlets stocking antimalarials at the time of the survey visit
 Remote areas, total 221 194 164 164 149
  In additional surveya 161 147 129 129 117
  In endline surveyb 60 47 35 35 32
 Non-remote areas only in endline survey 506 506 487
 Remote areas, total 4244 3241 468 468 396
  In additional surveya 3048 2353 318 318 271
  In endline surveyb 1196 888 150 150 125
 Non-remote areas only in endline survey 9980 9980 1223

aData collection period: Ghana: November 7–28, 2011, Kenya: October 7–December 10, 2011

bData collection period: Ghana: March 4–13, 2012, Kenya: February 27–March 16, 2012