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. 2015 Oct 9;14:398. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0904-z

Table 3.

Outlets in remote areas and non-remote areas with quality-assured artemisinin combination therapies in stock at endline in Ghana and Kenya, 2011–2012

Country/Type of outlet Remote areas Non-remote areas p value*
Percentage (95 % CI) N Percentage (95 % CI) N
 Ghana, total 77.9 (67.0–85.9) 149 83.8 (78.8–87.8) 487 0.1634
  Public health facility 96.2 (74.5–99.5) 26 80.0 (63.6–90.1) 55 0.0645
  Private not-for-profit health facilitya 100.0 4 90.0 (57.5–98.4) 10
  Private for-profit outlet 68.0 (47.6–83.3) 97 84.1 (78.5–88.5) 422 <0.0001
  Community health workera 95.5 (80.0–99.1) 22 0
 Kenya, total 56.2 (43.4–68.2) 392 70.8 (63.8–76.8) 1223 <0.0001
  Public health facility 95.4 (82.2–98.9) 51 96.4 (89.9–98.8) 105 0.9999
  Private not-for-profit health facilitya 100.0 15 98.6 (93.1–99.7) 43 0.561
  Private for-profit outlet 45.9 (30.0–62.6) 325 65.5 (57.2–72.9) 1075 <0.0001
  Community health workera 100.0 1 0
QAACTs with AMFm Logo
 Ghana, total 60.4 (37.7–79.3) 149 81.5 (76.7–85.6) 487 <0.0001
  Public health facility 84.6 (65.6–94.1) 26 76.4 (59.4–87.7) 55 0.3951
  Private not-for-profit health facilitya 100.0 4 80.0 (49.4–94.2) 10
  Private for-profit outlet 66.0 (45.9–81.6) 97 82.2 (76.9–86.5) 422 <0.0001
  Community health workera 0.0 22 0
 Kenya, total 48.5 (36.2–61.0) 392 64.0 (56.3–71.0) 1223 <0.0001
  Public health facility 60.5 (44.6–74.4) 51 68.9 (54.0–80.8) 105 0.9913
  Private not-for-profit health facility 73.3 (44.0–90.6) 15 58.8 (37.0–77.6) 43 0.3622
  Private for-profit outlet 44.9 (29.2–61.8) 325 63.5 (55.6–70.8) 1075 <0.0001
  Community health worker 100.0 1 0

Percentages indicate the percentage of outlets in remote areas and non-remote areas that had quality-assured ACTs in stock at the time of the survey visit (n) among all outlets with any antimalarial in stock at the time of the survey visit (N), by type of outlet, according to country, 2011–2012. CI: Confidence interval; AMFm = Affordable Medicine Facility-malaria

* p value for Chi square testing for difference between remote and non-remote areas

aThese are presented in the table because they contribute to the country overall estimates; however, they are not discussed in the text because of the small sample