Fig. 5.
Distribution of the studied parameters during multiple attacks in the same patients with C1-INH-HAE. Factor XII (a), factor XI (b), prothrombin time (c), activated partial thromboplastin time (d), prothrombin fragments 1 + 2 (e), thrombin-antithrombin complex (f), fibrinogen (g), plasminogen (h), D-dimer (i) and C1-INH (j) were assessed in 8 patients with more than one “during attack” sample. Each “during attack” value was divided by the corresponding inter-attack value, and these ratios were plotted as different symbols, according to the site of the attack. The medians of the ratios are presented as a solid line. The ratio = 1 is presented as a dotted line. The values under the dotted line represent decreased levels, whereas those above the dotted line correspond to elevated levels of the measured parameters. Meaning of the symbols: empty symbols = single attack; filled symbols = multiple attacks