1: How would you best describe yourself? (may select more than one option) |
a: General Gastroenterologist |
b: Hepatology subspecialist |
c: Inflammatory Bowel Disease subspecialist |
d: Advanced/Therapeutic endoscopy subspecialist |
e: Gastroenterology trainee |
f: Other; please describe in space below |
2: What is the nature of your practice/work? (may select more than one option) |
a: Staff Specialist |
b: Public Hospital Visiting Medical Officer |
c: Private Practice |
d: > 40% Medical Research |
e: Other; please describe in space below |
3: Have you been consulted by a patient who has had FMT before? If yes please circle the indication for the FMT (may select more than one option) |
a. No |
b: Clostridium difficile
c: Ulcerative Colitis |
d: Crohn’s disease |
e: Irritable bowel syndrome |
f: Other; please describe in space below |
4: Have you ever referred a patient for FMT before? |
a: Yes – please elaborate in space below (indication, number of referrals, outcome) |
b: No |
5: Please select which of the following indications, if any, you would consider referring for FMT if easily available (may select more than one option) |
a: Clostridium difficile |
b: Ulcerative Colitis |
c: Crohn’s disease |
d: Irritable bowel syndrome |
e: Other; please list in space below |
f: I would not consider referring for FMT for any indication |
6: If a patient saw you and expressed interest in undergoing FMT would you (you may select more than one option) |
a: Advise against it |
b: Remain ambivalent |
c: Acknowledge their interest and refer them for FMT |
d: Only refer them for FMT for the indication of recurrent Clostridium difficile
e: Suggest they only participate in clinical trials involving FMT |
f: Other; please describe in space below |
7: Please select your response in answer to each of the following potential concerns with FMT |
a: I don’t believe in FMT and I don’t think it is an effective therapy |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
b: While FMT may work at present there is inadequate evidence for efficacy |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
c: There is a significant infection risk from donor stool despite screening |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
d: I have other safety concerns regarding non-infectious adverse reactions with FMT |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
e: There is a risk of disease exacerbation with FMT |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
f: I don’t think my patients would contemplate or consent to FMT |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
g: “Yuck” factor (Aesthetics) |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
h: Lack of availability/accessibility to FMT |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
i: Other; please describe in space below |
8: What is your greatest concern, if any, regarding FMT? Please select only one |
a: Lack of efficacy |
b: Lack of evidence |
c: Infection risk from donor stool despite screening |
d: Non infectious adverse reaction and lack of safety data |
e: Possible disease exacerbation |
f: “Yuck” factor of donor stool |
g: None; I have no concerns regarding FMT |
h: Other; please list in space below |
9: How do you feel the potential risks of FMT compare with blood transfusion or other biologic product administration? |
a: More risk with blood transfusion than FMT |
b: More risk with FMT than blood transfusion |
c: Not sure |
d: Other; please describe in space below |
10: What do you think is the optimal modality through which to deliver FMT? |
a: Transcolonoscopic |
b: Enema based |
c: Nasoduodenal/jejunal |
d: Other; please list in space below |
e: I don’t have an opinion |
11: If your patient had exhausted all other medical options and was facing surgery for refractory disease in which FMT has been suggested as a potential therapeutic option, would you consider FMT as a last resort therapy? |
a: Yes |
b: Yes but only for Clostridium difficile
c: Yes but only in a clinical trial |
d: Not sure |
e: No |
f: Other; please describe in space below |
12: Do you think FMT holds promise as a potential future therapy for certain gastrointestinal diseases? |
a: Yes |
b: No |
c: Not Sure |
d: Other; please describe in space below |
13: Would you be willing to enroll your patients in clinical trials assessing FMT? |
a: Yes |
b: No |
c: Not Sure |
d: Other; please describe in space below |
14: In the next 3 yr, do you foresee a situation where you would consider referring a patient for FMT outside a clinical trial if a trusted service was available? Please select your answer for each of the following indications |
a. No, I would not consider referring for FMT for any indication |
b: Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection |
Highly Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Highly unlikely |
c: Ulcerative Colitis |
Highly Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Highly unlikely |
d: Crohn’s disease |
Highly Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Highly unlikely |
e: Irritable bowel syndrome or other functional gut disorder |
Highly Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Highly unlikely |
15: With regards to FMT, please select your response to the following statements |
a: I already offer FMT as a therapeutic option in my practice |
b: I have an interest in learning how to process and administer FMT so that I or my institution can arrange such therapy for our patients independently |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
c: I believe a few select centres that satisfy appropriate regulatory requirements should be available in my city to offer FMT |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
d: I don’t believe the therapy should be available for routine clinical use |
Strongly Disagree |
Somewhat Disagree |
Somewhat Agree |
Strongly Agree |
16: After reviewing the attached FOCUS study letter of invitation, protocol summary and selection criteria |
a: Are you likely to refer patients who meet selection criteria to this study? |
Highly Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Highly unlikely |
b: Do you have any actual patients in mind that you would consider referring to this study? |
Highly Likely |
Somewhat Likely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Highly unlikely |
17: Any other comments regarding FMT that you wish to make? |