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. 2014 Nov 1;8(3):247–260. doi: 10.4161/pri.29851

Table 1.

Genes that affect nonsense readthrough in S. cerevisiae

Gene* Protein Function** Effect on nonsense readthrough***
ACT1 Act1 Actin Nonsense suppressor96
DCP1 Dcp1 Component of P-bodies; subunit of the de-capping enzyme complex Nonsense suppressor76
ECM32 (MTT1) Mtt1 Upf1-like helicase Multicopy nonsense suppressor66
EFB1 (TEF5) Efb1 Alpha subunit of translation elongation factor eEF1B; nucleotide exchange factor for eEF1A Antisuppressor;49 multicopy antisuppressor50,51
ITT1 Itt1 Interacts with translation release factors eRF1 and eRF3 Multicopy omnipotent nonsense suppressor80
MBF1 (SUF13) Mbf1 Transcriptional co-activator Nonsense suppressor25,37
NAB2 Nab2 RNA-binding protein; required for nuclear mRNA export Weak multicopy suppressor of ade1–1479
NAB3 Nab3 RNA-binding protein required for termination of non-poly-A transcripts and efficient splicing Weak multicopy suppressor of ade1–1479
NAM7 (SUP113, UPF1, MOF4, IFS2) Nam7 ATP-dependent RNA helicase; component of nonsense mediated mRNA decay pathway Recessive omnipotent nonsense suppressor58-63
NMD2 (SUP111, UPF2, IFS1) Nmd2 Component of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway; involved in telomere maintenance Weak recessive omnipotent nonsense suppressor58-61,57
PAB1 Pab1 Poly-A binding protein involved in translation and polyA tail length control Multicopy antisuppressor67
PPQ1 Ppq1 Serine/threonine PP1 family phosphatase Allosuppressor81,82
PPZ1 Ppz1 Serine/threonine protein phosphatase Z Nonsense suppressor;84 multicopy antisuppressor85
PPZ2 Ppz2 Serine/threonine protein phosphatase Z, isoform of Ppz1p Allosuppressor86
PRE3 (CRL21) Pre3 Beta 1 subunit of the 20S proteasome Nonsense suppressor hypersensitive to hygromycin B87-89
RPS2 (SUP44; SUP138) Rps2 Protein of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit Dominant omnipotent nonsense suppressor33,150
RPS28A and RPS28B Rps28 Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit Nonsense suppressor and antisuppressor35,36
RPS3 (SUF14) Rps3 Protein component of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit Nonsense suppressor25,37
RPS9B (SUP46) Rps9b Protein of the small (40S) ribosomal subunit Dominant omnipotent nonsense suppressor34,31
RPT6 (CRL3) Rpt6 ATPase of the 19S regulatory particle of the 26S proteasome Nonsense suppressor hypersensitive to hygromycin B87-89
SFP1 Sfp1 Transcription factor Weak allosuppresoor;93 antisuppressor when in the [ISP+] prion form92
SIS2 (HAL3) Sis2 Negative regulatory subunit of protein phosphotaze Z Antisuppressor and multicopy allosuppressor85
SSA1 Ssa1 Heat-inducible Hsp70 chaperone Increases nonsense readthrough in [PSI+] cells when overexpressed152
SSB1, SSB2 Ssb Ribosome-associated Hsp70 chaperone Multicopy antisuppressor (SSB1);50 double deletion allosuppressor for [PSI+]151
SSO1 Sso1 Plasma membrane t-SNARE; involved in fusion of secretory vesicles at the plasma membrane and in vesicle fusion during sporulation Multicopy suppressor100
STU2 Stu2 Microtubule-associated protein; spindle body component controlling microtubule dynamics Multicopy suppressor100
SUP35 (s2, SUP2, SUP36, SAL3, SUF12, SUPP) Sup35 eRF3 translational release factor Recessive omnipotent nonsense suppressor and allosuppressor20,13,23-26
SUP45 (s1, SUP1, SUP47, SAL4, SUPQ) Sup45 eRF1 translational release factor Recessive omnipotent nonsense suppressor, allosuppressor20,13,23,24,26
TEF2 Tef2 Translation elongation factor eEF1A Omnipotent nonsense suppressor46,47
TPA1 Tpa1 Poly-A binding protein involved in polyA tail length control Nonsense suppressor73
UPF3 (SUP112) Upf3 Component of the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay pathway; involved in telomere maintenance Weak recessive omnipotent nonsense suppressor58-60,57
VTS1 Vts1 RNA-binding protein; stimulates deadenylation-dependent mRNA degradation Weak omnipotent multicopy nonsense suppressor77
YEF3 (TEF3) Yef3 Gamma subunit of translational elongation factor eEF1B; nucleotide exchange factor for eEF1A Multicopy antisuppressor51
snR18 (SNR18) snoRNA U18 Multicopy antisuppressor50
18S rRNA (RDN18–1 and RDN18–2) 18S rRNA Nonsense suppressor and antisuppressor38-41
25S rRNA (RDN25–1 and RDN25–2) 25S rRNA Nonsense suppressor42
5S rRNA 5S rRNA Nonsense suppressor and antisuppressor45

Note: *Alternative names are shown in the brackets; **See “Saccharomyces Genome Database” ( and references therein for the functional role of gene products; ***Unless otherwise stated the phenotypes are caused by mutations or gene disruptions.