The lamination pattern observed in the hippocampal molecular layer corresponds to differential PrP labeling on synapses from specific areas. PrP-immunohistochemistry (3F4 antibody) of hippocampal sections from infected hamsters. (A, B) 263K scrapie agent (IP: ∼80 dpi). (C, D) inoculum 8.1 (3rd passage; IP: ∼80 dpi). (E, F) inoculum D (2nd passage; IP: ∼80 dpi). Lamination pattern corresponding to synaptic PrP immunostaining. (B, D, and
F) Granular/punctate PrP depositions. HI (hilus), GC (granule cells), IZ (inner zone of the molecular layer), OZ (outer zone of the molecular layer). Magnification: (A) (x100), (B) (x400) (C and E) (x50), (D and F) (x200).