Table 3.
Multivariate model of logistic regression analysis for the prediction of lifetime history of suicide attempt
OR | 95%CI | p | |
History of sexual abuse in childhood | 2.522 | 1.07–5.94 | 0.035 |
Family history of psychiatric problems | 2.176 | 1.22–3.89 | 0.009 |
Economic situation | 1.447 | 1.10–1.90 | 0.008 |
Severity of alcohol dependence (MAST) | 1.038 | 1.01–1.06 | 0.008 |
Age | 0.976 | 0.95–1.01 | 0.063 |
Social support (MOSSSS) | 0.988 | 0.97–1.02 | 0.091 |
History of physical abuse in childhood | 1.157 | 0.67–1.99 | 0.597 |
Suicide attempt or completed suicide in the family | 1.580 | 0.88–2.84 | 0.127 |
MOSSSS — Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey, MAST — Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test
95%CI – 95% confidence interval p values < 0.05 are bolded
R square (Nagelkerke) = 0.200
chi square = 56.47; df=8; p<0.0005