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. 2015 Sep 5;177(9):224–232. doi: 10.1136/vr.103163


Cost-sharing arrangements as part of Australia's Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (Animal Health Australia 2001)

Source of funding (per cent)
Category of emergency animal disease Government Industry
Category 1: Public benefits only* 100 0
Category 2: Public benefits greater than private benefits 80 20
Category 3: Proportion of public to private benefits is roughly equal 50 50
Category 4: Private benefits are greater than public benefits$ 20 80

There is no category where only private benefits exist. Cost-sharing applies in respect to salaries and wages, operating expenses, capital costs and compensation, but with some clarification. * Including Australian bat lyssavirus, rabies, Including foot and mouth disease, sheep and goat pox, Including African swine fever, lumpy skin disease, $ Including Aujeszky's disease, equine influenza