Figure 3. CUL3KBTBD8 controls neural crest specification through TCOF1- and NOLC1.
a. hESCs were reconstituted with shRNA-resistant KBTBD8 variants or depleted of KBTBD8-binding partners; subjected to neural conversion (9d); and analyzed by qRT-PCR and unsupervised clustering. b. Protein expression during neural conversion of hESCs reconstituted with shRNA-resistant KBTBD8 variants (full scans in Supplementary Fig. 1). c. Protein expression in hESCs stably depleted of KBTBD8, TCOF1, or NOLC1 and subjected to neural conversion. d. hESCs were stably depleted of the indicated combinations of KBTBD8, TCOF1, or NOLC1, subjected to neural conversion (9d), and analyzed by qRT-PCR.