Molecular code determines the identity of ventral spinal neurons. Morphogens secreted from the floor plate and roof plate set up concentration gradients in the ventricular zone to specify progenitor domains p0–p3 and pMN, characterized by their differential expression of transcription factors. When the progenitor cells mature, they migrate laterally and are called V0–V3, Hb9, and motor neurons. The table on the right depicts the main transcription factors in the five cardinal classes of ventrally located neurons (V0–V3, Hb9) and motor neurons, the projection pattern, and the transmitter phenotype of these neurons. Dbx1, developing brain homeobox 1; Evx1, even-skipped homeobox; En1, engrailed 1; Chx10, Ceh-10 homeodomain-containing homolog; Gata2/3, GATA binding proteins 2 and 3; Sim 1, single-minded homolog 1; Hb9, homeobox 9; FP, floor plate. Reproduced from Kiehn and Dougherty (2013), their Figure 38.8, with permission.