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. 2015 Sep 22;2(5):ENEURO.0078-15.2015. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0078-15.2015

Table 2:

Summary of statistical analyses

Data structure Type of test Power
a Normally distributed One-way ANOVA with SNK post hoc 0.956
b Normally distributed One-way ANOVA with SNK post hoc 0.086
c–w* Normally distributed One-way ANOVA with SNK post hoc after Benjamini–Hochberg correction 0.581 (0.062–0.900)
x Normally distributed One-way ANOVA with SNK post hoc 0.583
y Normally distributed One-way ANOVA with SNK post hoc 0.642
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA with SNK post hoc
z Drug treatment 0.551
aa Drug treatment × infection type 0.612
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA with SNK post hoc
bb Drug treatment × infection type 0.415
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA with SNK post hoc
cc Drug treatment 0.738
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA
dd Drug treatment 0.050
ee Infection type 0.050
ff Drug treatment × infection type 0.050
Normally distributed Paired t tests, third water vs first EFU
gg Test group: hM4Di + saline 0.998
hh Test group: hM4Di + CNO 0.783
Ii Test group: vehicle + CNO 1.000
jj Test group: vehicle + saline 0.991
Normally distributed Paired t tests, third EFU vs first IMU
kk Test group: hM4Di + saline 1.000
ll Test group: hM4Di + CNO 1.000
mm Test group: vehicle + CNO 0.999
nn Test group: vehicle + saline 0.997
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA
oo Drug treatment 0.050
pp Infection type 0.164
qq Drug treatment × infection type 0.052
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA
rr Drug treatment 0.106
ss Infection type 0.062
tt Drug treatment × infection type 0.050
Normally distributed Paired t tests, cookie odor vs mineral oil
uu Test group: hM4Di + saline 0.800
vv Test group: hM4Di + CNO 1.000
ww Test group: vehicle + CNO 0.982
xx Test group: vehicle + saline 0.988
Normally distributed Two-way RM ANOVA
yy Drug treatment 0.050
zz Infection type 0.178
aaa Drug treatment × infection type 0.059
Normally distributed Two-way ANOVA with SNK post hoc
bbb Drug treatment 0.972
ccc Infection type 0.973
ddd Drug treatment × infection type 0.837

Letters (left column) refer to values within the Results section. EFU, Estrous female urinary odor; IMU, testes-intact male odor; RM, repeated measures.


Values for this series of ANOVAs are shown as the median (range) of power calculations.