Fig. 3.
Iron chelation decreased UW228 medulloblastoma sphere formation and growth. a Representative image of UW228 spheres at 5X and 10X magnification in the presence of iron chelators in the culture medium (100 μM deferoxamine (DFO), 1 μM Dp44mT) or of iron (50 μM Ferric ammonium citrate). b Number of spheres (counted using a light microscope) obtained in a T75 low adhesion plate after 72 h of culture in the presence of different concentrations of DFO, Dp44mT or FAC (**p < 0.001). c Area of the spheres in arbitrary units (A.U) after 72 h of culture in the presence of different concentrations of DFO, Dp44mT or FAC (*p < 0.05). d Limited dilutions assay in which 1 cell was plated in each low adhesion culture 96 well-plate and after 14 days, the number of clonal tumor spheres formed in each well were counted in the presence of 100 μM deferoxamine (DFO), 1 μM Dp44mT or 50 μM of Ferric ammonium citrate (**p < 0.001)