Figure 2. The phylogenetic tree and classification of 1548 eukaryote 2R-MYB genes.
The neighbor-joining (NJ) tree includes 1548 2R-MYB proteins from 50 eukaryotes. Proteins are clustered into 73 subfamilies (colored triangles), designated with a subfamily number (e.g., S1). The depth and width of the collapsed triangles is proportionate to the corresponding sequence divergence and size, respectively. The colored block diagrams symbolize the species to which the proteins in each clade belong. Black dots beside the branches represent bootstrap support values from 1000 replications. Bootstrap values >50% are shown as black circles, >75% are shown as black dots, while <50% are not shown in the phylogenetic tree. The colored dots beside the subfamily names indicate the corresponding intron patterns, as shown in Fig. 4.