Figure 1.
Dot-plot comparisons between Antarctic minke whale (horizontal, left) or dolphin (horizontal, right) and cow (vertical) sequences. Color scale bar indicates sequence similarity (%) of each dot. a. Comparisons of the genomic region where the OMACS gene is encoded. Cow sequence: chr. 25 (18,535,000-18,568,000 bp). Whale: scaffold100261 (1–18,000 bp, complement). Dolphin: scaffold4608 (95,000-115,000 bp, complement). The OMACS gene consists of 13 exons, and the position and the coding direction of each exon is shown as a triangle with an exon-specific color. Whale and dolphin have lost the genomic regions where the 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th exons are encoded. In addition, dolphin has lost the 1st and 2nd exons. Whale’s 1st exon is not included in this scaffold (see Additional file 1 for detail). Mesh size, 1 kbp × 1 kbp. b. Comparison of the genomic region where the NQO1 gene is encoded. Cow sequence: chr. 18 (36,908,355-36,927,688 bp). Whale: scaffold73885. Dolphin: scaffold317 (290,000-300,000 bp). The NQO1 gene consists of six exons, and the position and the coding direction of each exon are shown as a triangle with an exon number. Genomic inversion was confirmed in the whale and dolphin genomes around the region where the 4th and 5th exons are encoded. Whale’s 1st exon is not included in this scaffold (see Additional file 1 for detail). Mesh size, 1 kbp × 1 kbp. c. Comparison of the genomic region where the TAAR gene cluster is located. Cow sequence: chr. 9 (71,400,000-71,850,000 bp, complement). Whale: scaffold12993. Dolphin: scaffold181 (230,000-270,000 bp, complement). Positions and coding directions of TAAR1-9 genes are shown. Pseudogenes are indicated by red oblique lines (Cow TAAR pseudogenes are not shown). Mesh size, 10 kbp × 10 kbp.