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. 2015 Oct 14;9:399. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00399

Table 1.

Summaries of the studies investigating the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation applied over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on mood, emotional processing, and attentional processing of emotional information in healthy individuals.

References Study design N (Males) Mean age in years Site of stimulation* NIBS parameters** Experimental outcomes (Time of assessment) Main results
rTMS studies
Schaller et al., 2011 Parallel
Sham controlled
9 rTMS sessions
44 (44) Range: 19–33 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1)
25 Hz
15 trains of 2 s
8 s ITI
750 pulses
Increasing MT across sessions (from 100 to 136.9%)
1. BDI
2. 6-item mood VAS: happy/unhappy, cheerful/sad, energetic/lack of energy, lively/gloomy, even-tempered/restless, serious/smiling (day 0, day 5, day 9)
Active vs. sham rTMS:
1. BDI: Reduced sum scores and scores on "libido", "fatigability" and "weight loss" at day 5 and 9
2. Mood VAS: No effect
Baeken et al., 2010 Parallel
No sham
10 (0) N/A L DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 3.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
100% MT
1. POMS-32 (t0, t1) Before vs. after active L DLPFC rTMS:
1. POMS-32: No effect Before vs. after active R DLPFC rTMS:
1. POMS-32: No effect
10 (0) N/A R DLPFC
Hoy et al., 2010 Crossover
Sham controlled
rTMS combined with exposure to positive or neutral pictures
10 (4) 31.2 L DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
5 Hz
30 trains of 10 s
20 s ITI
1500 pulses
120% MT
1. AGN task with happy and sad words
2. 5-item mood VAS: sadness, happiness, tiredness, anxiety, pain-discomfort
3. Valence and arousal ratings on IAPS pictures (t0, t1)
Active vs. sham rTMS: 1. AGN task: No effect
2. Mood VAS: No effect
3. Valence and arousal ratings: No effect
Baeken et al., 2008 Crossover
Sham controlled
27 (0) 25.2 R DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 4.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1.5-item mood VAS: sadness, tension, vigor, anger, tiredness
2. POMS-32 (t0, t1, t30)
Active R DLPFC
vs. sham rTMS:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
2. POMS-32: No effect
Sham controlled
20 (0) 25.6 L DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 4.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1.5-item mood VAS: sadness, tension, vigor, anger, tiredness
2. POMS-32 (t0, t1, t30)
Active L DLPFC
vs. sham rTMS:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
2. POMS-32: No effect
Baeken et al., 2006 Crossover
Sham controlled
28 (0) 28.7 L DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 3.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1.5-item mood VAS: sadness, tension, vigor, anger, tiredness
2. POMS-32 (t0, t1, t30)
Active vs. sham rTMS:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
2. POMS-32: No effect
Grisaru et al., 2001 Crossover
Sham controlled
18 (7) 40.5 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1 or M2)
1 Hz
1 single train
500 pulses
110% MT
1.4-item mood VAS: irritability, anxiety, depression, happiness
(t0, t5, t10, t30, t240)
Active (either L or R DLPFC
) vs. sham rTMS:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
Padberg et al., 2001 Crossover No sham 9 (5) 29.8 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1 or M2)
10 Hz
10 trains of 5 s
30 s ITI
500 pulses
110% MT
1.8-item mood VAS: mood, emotion, general state, anxiety, activity, physical condition, self-perception (t0, t1, t15)
2. Facial expressions recording with ultrasonic signal emitted by mouth and eyes muscles during a funny movie (t0, t1)
Active rTMS, L vs. R DLPFC:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
2. Facial expressions: Increased frequencies of laughing and shorter RT of laughing movements
Schutter et al., 2001 Crossover
Sham controlled
12 (8) 28.4 R DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
1 Hz
1 single train
1200 pulses
130% MT
2. STAS (t0, t1, t35, t65)
Active vs. sham rTMS:
1. STAI: Reduced anxiety
2. STAS: No effect
Mosimann et al., 2000 Crossover
Sham controlled
25 (25) 22.4 L PFC (5 cm anterior, 2 cm lateral to M1) 20 Hz
40 trains of 2 s 30 s ITI
1600 pulses
100% MT
1.5-item mood VAS:
tiredness, happiness, sadness, pain, anxiety (t0, t20)
Active vs. sham rTMS:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
George et al., 1996 Crossover No sham 10 (6) 35 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1 or M2)
5 Hz
10 trains of 10 s 1 s ITI
500 pulses
120% MT
1. NIMH mood scale
2. Forced-choice mood VAS
(t0, t30, t60, t90, t180, t480, t1440)
Active rTMS, L vs. R DLPFC:
1. NIMH mood scale: Reduced happiness and increased sadness
2. Forced-choice mood-VAS: No effect
3. PANAS: No effect Active rTMS, R vs. L DLPFC:
1. NIMH mood scale: Reduced sadness and increased happiness
2. Forced-choice mood-VAS: No effect
3. PANAS: No effect
Pascual-Leone et al., 1996 Crossover No sham 10 (4) Range: 22–27 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1 or M2) Mid PFC
10 Hz
10 trains of 10 s 25 s ITI
500 pulses
110% MT
1.5-item mood VAS: pain discomfort, sadness, happiness, anxiety, tiredness
(t0, t1)
Active rTMS, L vs. R DLPFC:
1. Mood VAS: Decreased happiness and increased sadness
Active rTMS, L vs. Mid PFC: 1. Mood VAS: Increased pain/discomfort, anxiety and sadness
Active rTMS, R vs. L DLPFC:
1. Mood VAS: Increased happiness
tDCS studies
Plewnia et al., 2015 Parallel
Sham controlled
28 (28) 27.9 L DLPFC/R deltoid
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
20 min
35 cm2
1. PANAS: No effect on positive affect. Increase in “upset” item after sham vs. active tDCS
2. PASAT: Shorter inter-stimulus interval after anodal vs. sham tDCS Slower inter-stimulus interval were correlated to increased upset
Morgan et al., 2014 Crossover No sham 18 (9) 23.2 L DLPFC/R
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
12 min
9 cm2
2. Motivational state questionnaire
3. Memory task with IAPS pictures (t0, t1)
Active tDCS, L DLPFC/R
1. PANAS: No effect
2. Motivational state questionnaire: No effect
3. Memory task: No effect
Motohashi et al., 2013 Crossover
Sham controlled
4 tDCS sessions
12 (12) 22 L DLPFC/ supraorbital region
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
20 min
35 cm2
1. POMS-30
(day 0, day 4)
Active vs. sham tDCS:
1. POMS-30: No effect
Plazier et al., 2012 Crossover
Sham controlled
17 (17) 21.5 R DLPFC/L
(10/20 EEG)
1.5 mA
20 min
35 cm2
2. POMS-32
(t0, t1)
Active (either four conditions) vs. sham tDCS:
1. SUDS: No effect
2. POMS-32: No effect
3. PANAS: No effect
4. BISBAS: No effect
rTMS studies
Balconi and Cobelli, 2015 Crossover
Sham controlled
69 (31) 28.1 L DLPFC
Pz (10/20 EEG)
5 Hz
90 trains of 1 s 5 s ITI
450 pulses
100% MT
1. Memory task with positive and negative words and pictures with high and low arousal
2. Valence and arousal questionnaire with words and pictures (t1)
Active rTMS, L DLPFC
vs. Pz and sham:
1. Memory task: Increased accuracy and reduced RT for positive high arousal words and pictures
2. Valence and arousal questionnaire: No effect
Balconi and Ferrari, 2013 Crossover
Sham controlled
27 (12) Range: 21–36 L DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
5 Hz
180 trains of 1 s
5 s ITI
900 pulses
100% MT
1. Memory task with positive and negative words among semantically related or unrelated distractors (t0.5) Active rTMS, L DLPFC
vs. Cz and sham:
1. Memory task: Reduced RT for positive targets and positive (related and unrelated) distractors in subjects with high and low anxiety level
Balconi and Ferrari, 2012b Crossover
Sham controlled
30 (13) Range: 21–31 L DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
5 Hz
90 trains of 1 s
5 s ITI
450 pulses
100% MT
1. Memory task with positive and negative words (t0.5) Active rTMS, L DLPFC
vs. Cz and sham:
1. Memory task: increased accuracy for positive vs. negative words in subjects with high and low anxiety level. Reduced RT for positive vs. negative words in subjects with high anxiety level
Balconi and Ferrari, 2012a Crossover
Sham controlled
27 Range: 21–37 L DLPFC
Cz (10/20 EEG)
5 Hz
90 trains of 1 s
5 s ITI
450 pulses
100% MT
1. Memory task with positive and negative words among semantically related or unrelated distractors (t0.5) Active rTMS, L DLPFC
vs. Cz and sham:
1. Memory task: Reduced RT for positive vs. negative words and related vs. unrelated positive distractors
tDCS studies
Conson et al., 2015 Crossover
Sham controlled
16 (8) Range: 22–30 L DLPFC/R
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
15 min
35 cm2
1. Recognition of facial expressions task Active tDCS, R DLPFC/L DLPFCvs. L DLPFC/R DLPFCand sham:
1. Recognition of facial expressions task: Reduced RT for fearful faces in male but not female subjects
Nitsche et al., 2012 Crossover
Sham controlled
14 (9) 33.3 L DLPFC/
supraorbital region
Supraorbital region/L
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
20 min
35 cm2
1.14-item mood VAS
(t0, t15, t30, t45, t60, t120, t180, t240, t300, following morning)
Active tDCS, L DLPFC/supraorbital region vs. supraorbital region/L DLPFC
and sham:
1. Mood VAS: No effect
Sham controlled
17 (9) 24.9 L DLPFC
/ supraorbital region Supraorbital region/L DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
10 min
35 cm2
1. Recognition of facial expressions task (t0, t0.5, t5, t10, t20, t30, t60) Active L DLPFC
/supraorbital region vs. supraorbital region/L DLPFC:
1. Recognition of facial expression task: Reduced RT for positive (t0.5–t10) and negative faces (t0.5) Active supraorbital region/L DLPFC
vs. sham tDCS:
1. Recognition of facial expression task: Reduced RT for negative faces (t10–t20)
Peña-Gómez et al., 2011 Crossover
Sham controlled
16 (0) 22.9 L DLPFC/M2
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
20 min
35 cm2
1. Valence rating task with IAPS stimuli (t0.5)
2. Mood 5-item VAS: annoyance, contentment, hope, nervousness, sadness
4. STAI-state
(t0, t1)
Active vs. sham tDCS:
1. Valence rating task: Negative pictures were rated as less negative Change in valence rating negatively correlated to extraversion score
2. Mood VAS: No effect
3. PANAS: No effect
4. STAI-state: No effect
Sham controlled
9 (0) 25.8 M2/L DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
20 min
35 cm2
1. Valence rating task with IAPS stimuli (t0.5) Active vs. sham tDCS:
1. Valence rating task: No effect
rTMS studies
Vanderhasselt et al., 2011 Crossover
Sham controlled
28 (0) 22.3 R DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 3.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1. Exogenous cueing task with neutral and angry faces (t0, t1)
2. POMS-32 (t0, t1, t30)
Active vs. sham rTMS:
1. Exogenous cueing task: Increased AB for angry faces
2. POMS-32: No effect
De Raedt et al., 2010 Crossover (n = 18) and parallel (n = 19)
sham controlled
37 (0) 22.6 L DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 3.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1. Exogenous cueing task with neutral and angry faces during an fMRI scanning (t0, t30)
2. Mood 5-item VAS: sadness, tension, vigor, fatigue, anger (t0, t1, t40)
Active R DLPFC
vs. sham rTMS:
1. Exogenous cueing task and fMRI: Larger disengagement score for angry faces associated with decreased activation in R DLPFC
, dorsal ACC, and L SPG
2. Mood VAS: No effect Active L DLPFC
vs. sham rTMS:
1. Lower engagement score for angry faces associated with increased activation in the L OFC, R DLPFC
, dorsal/pregenual ACC, R SPG
2. Mood VAS: No effect
Leyman et al., 2009 Crossover
Sham controlled
18 (0) 21.1 R DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 3.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1. NAP task with happy, sad and neutral faces (t0, t1)
2. Mood 5-item VAS: sadness, tension, vigor, fatigue, anger (t0, t1, t40)
Active R DLPFC
vs. sham rTMS:
1. NAP task: Decreased scores for negative faces
2. Mood VAS: No effect
Sham controlled
22 (0) 24 L DLPFC
10 Hz
40 trains of 3.9 s
26.1 s ITI
1560 pulses
110% MT
1. NAP task with happy, sad and neutral faces (t0, t1)
2. Mood 5-item VAS: sadness, tension, vigor, fatigue, anger (t0, t1, t40)
Active L DLPFC
vs. sham rTMS:
1. NAP task: No effect
2. Mood VAS: No effect
Van Honk et al., 2002b Crossover
Sham controlled
8 (4) Range: 20–26 R DLPFC
(10/20 EEG)
1 Hz
1 single train
1200 pulses
130% MT
1. Emotional Stroop task with masked and unmasked neutral and fearful faces (t30) Active vs. sham rTMS:
1. Emotional Stroop task: Decreased attention for unmasked fearful faces
van Honk et al., 2002a Crossover with no sham 10 (0) Range: 18–30 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1 or M2)
0.6 Hz
1 single train
540 pulses
130% MT
1. Emotional Stroop task with neutral and angry faces (t1)
2. PEP (t0, t1)
Active rTMS, R vs. L DLPFC:
1. Emotional Stroop task: Increased attention for angry faces
2. PEP: Reduced PEP Correlation between increased attention and reduced PEP
d'Alfonso et al., 2000 Crossover
No sham
10 (0) Range: 18–30 L DLPFC
(5 cm anterior to M1 or M2)
0.6 Hz
1 single train
540 pulses
130% MT
1. Emotional Stroop task with neutral and angry faces (t10)
2. POMS-32 (t0, t1)
Active rTMS, L vs. R DLPFC:
1. Emotional Stroop task: Decreased attention for angry faces
2. POMS-32: No effect Active rTMS, R vs. L DLPFC
1. Emotional Stroop task: Increased attention for angry faces
2. POMS-32: No effect
tDCS studies
Wolkenstein et al., 2014 Crossover
Sham controlled
28 (8) 30.9 R deltoid/L
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
20 min
35 cm2
1. DWM (t0.5)
2. AIT with positive, neutral and negative pictures (t1)
3. PANAS (t0, t1)
Active vs. sham tDCS:
1. DWM: Reduced accuracy for negative vs. neutral and positive pictures
2. AIT: Longer RT for negative vs. neutral and positive pictures
3. PANAS: No effect
Clarke et al., 2014 Parallel
Sham controlled
“Attend threat” ABM + active tDCS
“Avoid threat” ABM + active tDCS
17 (7)
20 (6)
superior trapezius
(10/20 EEG)
1 mA
mean 17 min
24 cm2
1. AB assessment task with neutral and threatening words (t0, t1) “Attend threat” ABM combined with active tDCS vs. “attend threat” ABM combined with sham tDCS:
1. AB assessment task: Increased AB to threat
“Avoid threat” ABM combined with active tDCS vs. “Avoid threat” combined with sham tDCS:
1. AB assessment task: Decreased AB to threat
“Attend threat” ABM + sham tDCS 22 (7) 20.6
“Avoid threat” ABM + sham tDCS 18 (8) 19.9
Feeser et al., 2014 Parallel sham controlled tDCS applied during emotional regulation (4 conditions: maintain neutral emotions, downregulate, upregulate, or maintain negative emotions) 42 (20) 28.5 R DLFPC/L
supraorbital region
(10/20 EEG)
1.5 mA
20 min
Anodal: 35 cm2
Cathodal: 100 cm2
1. Arousal ratings on IAPS pictures (t0.5)
2. Skin conductance response (t0.5)
3. Gaze fixation (t0.5)
4. Multidimensional State Questionnaire (t0, t1)
Active vs. Sham tDCS:
1. Arousal ratings: Lower in the downregulation conditions. Higher and in the negative maintain in the upregulation condition
2. Skin conductance: Lower response in the downregulation condition. Higher response in the upregulation condition
3. Gaze fixation: No effect
4. Multidimensional State Questionnaire: No effect

Site of stimulation is provided as follows, for rTMS: coil position, for tDCS: anode/cathode position. The method used to define the target is provided as follows, (10/20 EEG), Electrode placements according to 10/20 EEG system; (MRI BN), Magnetic Resonance Imaging based neuronavigation.


NIBS parameters are provided as follows, for rTMS: frequency, trains number and duration, ITI, number of pulses, intensity, for tDCS: intensity, duration, electrode size. AB, Attentional bias; ABM, Attentional bias modification task; ACC, Anterior cingulate cortex; AGN, Affective go-no-go; AIT, Arithmetic inhibition task; BDI, Beck depression inventory; BISBAS, Behavioral inhibition system and behavioral approach system; Cz, Central midline; DLPFC, Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; DWM, Delayed response working memory task; IAPS, International affective picture system; ITI, Intertrain interval; L, Left; M1, Left primary motor cortex; M2, Right primary motor cortex; MT, Motor threshold; N, number of subjects; NAP, Negative affective priming; NIBS, Non-invasive brain stimulation; NIMH, National institute of mental health; OFC, Orbitofrontal cortex; O1, Left occipital cortex; O2, Right occipital cortex; PANAS, Positive affect and negative affect schedule; PASAT, Paced auditory serial addition task; PEP, Preejection period; POMS, Profile of mood states; Pz, Parietal midline; R, Right; RT, Reaction Time; rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; SPG, Superior parietal gyrus; STAI, State-trait anxiety index; STAS, State-trait anger scale; SUDS, Subjective unit of distress schedule; t0, Baseline; t0.5, During stimulation, t1, Immediately after stimulation, tX, X minutes after stimulation; tDCS, transcranial Direct Current Stimulation; VAS, Visual analog scale.