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. 2015 Sep 30;32(9):838–853. doi: 10.1007/s12325-015-0245-x

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of 3152 patients enrolled in the study—FAS

Characteristics n (%) or mean (±SD)
Age (3146 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), years 58.7 (±10.5)
Gender (3152 patients analyzed)
 Male, n (%) 1671 (53.0)
 Female, n (%) 1481 (47.0)
Followed by another physiciana (3147 patients analyzed)
 Yes, n (%) 1717 (54.6)
 No, n (%) 1430 (45.4)
Social environment (3127 patients analyzed)
 Lives alone, n (%) 621 (19.9)
 In family/couple, n (%) 2497 (79.9)
 Retirement home, n (%) 9 (0.3)
Diabetes history
Duration of diabetes (3140 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), years 9.7 (±6.7)
Complication linked to diabetesb (3132 patients analyzed)
 Yes, n (%) 1048 (33.5)
 No, n (%) 2084 (66.5)
If yes, typec (3131 patients analyzed)
 Coronary disease, n (%) 364 (11.6)
 Neuropathy, n (%) 277 (8.8)
 Retinopathy, n (%) 252 (8.0)
 Nephropathy, n (%) 240 (7.7)
 Lower limb arteritis, n (%) 176 (5.6)
 Cerebrovascular disease, n (%) 69 (2.2)
 Diabetic foot, n (%) 70 (2.2)
 Other, n (%) 110 (3.5)
Clinical characteristics
Body weight (3151 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), kg 95.6 (±19.9)
BMI (3147 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), kg/m2 34.1 (±6.9)
BMI distribution (3147 patients analyzed)
 <18.5 kg/m2, n (%) 1 (0.0)
 ≥18.5; <25, n (%) 151 (4.8)
 ≥25; <30, n (%) 768 (24.4)
 ≥30; <40, n (%) 1706 (54.2)
 ≥40 kg/m2, n (%) 521 (16.6)
Systolic blood pressure (3145 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), mmHg 134.7 (±13.3)
Diastolic blood pressure (3144 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), mmHg 77.8 (±8.8)
Biological characteristics
HbA1c (3109 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), % 8.5 (±1.5)
Fasting plasma glucose (2629 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), mmol/L 10.1 (±3.4)
Triglycerides (2701 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), mmol/L 10.6 (±8.1)
High-density lipoprotein (2598 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), mmol/L 2.6 (±0.9)
Low-density lipoprotein (2529 patients analyzed)
 Mean (±SD), mmol/L 5.9 (±2.1)

n number for subset, SD standard deviation

aA patient may have been included in the study by a general practitioner but also managed by an endocrinologist

bAll historical medical events were registered on the basis of patient reporting or their medical record

cPatients may have had more than one complication. Due to missing data, the % value relates to the number of patients analyzed within the FAS population for that particular characteristic and not the total FAS population