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. 2013 Jan 18;62(2):27–31.


Measles supplementary immunization activities (SIAs*) and the delivery of other child health interventions, by country — World Health Organization (WHO) regions, 2011

Children reached in targeted age group Other interventions delivered

WHO region/ country Age group targeted Extent of SIA* No. (%) Oral polio vaccine Vitamin A Insecticide-treated bednets Deworming medication Tetanus toxoid vaccination Rubella vaccination
 Angola 9–59 mos National 4,635,248 (85) Yes Yes Yes
 Benin 9–59 mos National 1,411,065 (104)
 Burkina Faso 9–59 mos National 2,865,517 (113)
 Central African Republic 6–47 mos National 516,563 (84) Yes Yes Yes
 Côte d’Ivoire 9–59 mos National 5,820,653 (95) Yes
 Democratic Republic of the Congo Varied by province Rollover — national§ 16,793,925 (99) Yes
 Equatorial Guinea 9–47 mos Rollover — national 11,658 (50)
 Ethiopia 9–47 mos Rollover — national and subnational 7,806,201 (96)
 Gambia 9–59 mos National 294,579 (95) Yes
 Liberia 9–59 mos National 574,458 (103) Yes Yes Yes
 Mali 9–47 mos National 4,616,957 (94)
 Mauritania 9–59 mos National 510,155 (96)
 Mozambique 9–47 mos National 3,974,977 (104) Yes Yes
 Nigeria 6–59 mos National 28,483,907 (91) Yes Yes Yes Yes
 Tanzania 6 mos–15 yrs National 6,686,683 (97) Yes
 Bolivia 2–6 yrs National 869,377 (95) Yes
 Brazil 1–6 yrs National 16,813,682 (98) Yes
 Chile 1–5 yrs National 886,802 (75) Yes
 Costa Rica 1–9 yrs National 620,209 (94) Yes
 Columbia 10–19 yrs National 7,801,850 (89) Yes
 Ecuador 6 mos–14 yrs National 4,700,526 (95) Yes
 Mexico 9 mos–59 yrs National 7,653,521 (99) Yes
 Peru 1–4 yrs National 2,033,123 (87) Yes
Eastern Mediterranean
 Afghanistan 9–59 mos and 9 mos–10 yrs Subnational 1,430,510 (95) Yes Yes
 Pakistan 6–59 mos Subnational 9,679,499 (95) Yes Yes
 Saudi Arabia 9 mos–18 yrs National 8,270,316 (97) Yes
 Somalia 6–59 mos Subnational 2,080,546 (90) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
 South Sudan 6–59 mos and 6 mos–14 yrs National 1,513,864 (97) Yes
 Sudan 9–59 mos Rollover — national 5,073,092 (99) Yes
 Yemen 9–59 mos and 6 mos–14 yrs Subnational 157,146 (63) Yes
 Uzbekistan 1–14 yrs National 7,502,957 (99) Yes
South-East Asia
 India 9 mos–10 yrs Rollover — national 30,628,456 (90)
 Indonesia 9–59 mos Rollover — national 11,544,190 (97) Yes
 Timor Leste 6 mos–14 yrs National 454,209 (92)
Western Pacific
 Cambodia 9–59 mos National 1,504,216 (100) Yes Yes Yes
 Federated States of Micronesia 12–83 mos Rollover — national 4,889 (96) Yes Yes Yes
 Laos 9 mos–19 yrs National 2,614,002 (97) Yes
 Papua New Guinea 6–35 mos Rollover — national 464,973 (83) Yes
 Philippines 9 mos–8 yrs National 15,649,907 (84) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Total 224,954,408

SIAs generally are carried out using two approaches. An initial, nationwide catch-up SIA targets all children aged 9 months to 14 years, with the goal of eliminating susceptibility to measles in the general population. Periodic follow-up SIAs then target all children born since the last SIA. Follow-up SIAs generally are conducted nationwide every 2–4 years and generally target children aged 9–59 months; their goal is to eliminate any measles susceptibility that has developed in recent birth cohorts and to protect children who did not respond to the first measles vaccination. The exact age range for follow-up SIAs depends on the age-specifc incidence of measles, first dose of measles-containing vaccine coverage, and the time since the last SIA.

Values >100% indicate that the intervention reached more persons than the estimated target population.


Rollover national campaigns started the previous year or will continue into the next year.

Subnational campaigns were in response to large measles outbreaks (Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Yemen) or natural disasters (Pakistan).