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. 2015 Nov;105(11):2335–2340. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302830


Demographic Characteristics of Diabetic Women, by Time Since Diagnosis: India, 2011

Characteristic Diagnosed ≥ 2 Y Previously (n = 146) Diagnosed < 2 Y Previously (n = 38)
Age,* y, mean (range = 27.0–78.0) 55.3 47.8
Completed secondary school, % 54.4 44.7
Joint family structure, % 47.3 47.4
No. of children, mean 3.0 2.8
Socioeconomic status, %
 Low 16.4 28.9
 Middle 55.5 65.8
 High 28.1 5.3
Hindu, % 83.6 73.7
Body mass index, kg/m2, mean (range = 16.0–59.2) 28.4 26.5
% body fat, mean (range = 5.5–51.0) 35.6 33.8
Blood glucose level, mg/dL, mean (range = 0.0–468.0) 158.2 173.3
Glycated hemoglobin, mean % (range = 5.6–> 13.0) 8.4 8.8
Anxiety symptoms,* % 23.3 39.5
Depression symptoms, % 17.8 18.4
No. of stressful events in past year, mean (range = 0.0–11.0) 3.0 2.9
No. of disabilities restricting performance of tasks,* mean (range = 0.0–14.0) 6.0 1.1

*P < .05 between groups.