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. 2015 Nov;105(11):e12–e22. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302779


Sample Characteristics and Prevalence of Spousal Violence Among 15- to 49-Year-Old, Currently Married (or Cohabitating) Women From 5 Former Soviet Union Countries: 2005–2012

Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Variables Moldova (DHS-V, 2005) Ukraine (DHS-V, 2007) Azerbaijan (DHS-V, 2006) Kyrgyzstan (DHS-VI, 2012) Tajikistan (DHS-VI, 2012)
Sociodemographic characteristics, % (95% confidence interval)
Age, y, mean 35.03 (34.69, 35.38) 35.68 (35.21, 36.15) 34.62 (34.18, 35.06) 33.05 (32.63, 33.47) 32.39 (31.99, 32.79)
Household size, mean (95% CI) 3.98 (3.93, 4.04) 3.84 (3.75, 3.93) 5.01 (4.91, 5.12) 5.44 (5.33, 5.54) 7.73 (7.52, 7.93)
No. of children, mean (95% CI) 1.81 (1.75, 1.86) 1.49 (1.44, 1.54) 2.14 (2.08, 2.19) 2.52 (2.45, 2.59) 2.81 (2.72, 2.91)
Area of residence, % (95% CI)
 Urban 38.89 (37.06, 40.74) 67.75 (65.48, 69.95) 55.33 (52.01, 58.60) 32.28 (29.61, 35.07) 24.03 (22.56, 25.57)
 Rural 61.11 (59.26, 62.94) 32.25 (30.05, 34.52) 44.67 (41.4, 47.99) 67.72 (64.93, 70.39) 75.97 (74.43, 77.44)
Religion, % (95% CI)
 Christian (Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant) 97.91 (95.97, 99.97) 88.00 (83.64, 92.69) 0.40 (0.19, 0.84) NA NA
 Muslim . . . 0.88 (0.49, 1.57) 99.47 (99.02, 99.72)
 Other (Judaism, other religion, no religion) 2.09 (0.03, 4.03) 11.12 (8.97,13.88) 0.12 (0.03, 0.57)
Language of the interview, % (95% CI)
 Country’s local language 76.05 (72.21, 79.57) 56.31 (53.47, 59.11) 99.85 (99.63, 99.94) 63.65 (60.6, 66.59) 92.78 (90.72, 94.42)
 Russian 23.95 (20.5, 27.79) 43.66 (40.85, 46.73) 0.14 (0.05, 0.36) 35.67 (32.72, 38.72) 3.19 (2.54, 4.00)
 Other language (e.g., Uzbek) . . . . . . 0.01 (0.01, 0.11) 0.68 (0.37, 1.25) 4.03 (2.67, 6.02)
Relationship characteristics
Relationship status, % (95% CI)
 Legally married 93.06 (92.02, 93.97) 92.48 (90.67, 93.97) 99.73 (99.47, 99.87) 99.52 (99.12, 99.74) 99.51 (99.03, 99.76)
 Living together 6.94 (6.03, 7.98) 7.52 (6.03, 9.33) 0.27 (0.13, 0.53) 0.48 (0.26, 0.88) 0.49 (0.24, 0.97)
Age at first marriage, mean (95% CI) 20.00 (19.88, 20.12) 20.34 (20.15, 20.52) 21.05 (20.09, 21.22) 20.20 (20.06, 20.34) 19.87 (19.73, 20.01)
Age difference between partners, mean (95% CI) 2.97 (2.84, 3.11) 2.81 (2.63, 2.99) 4.43 (4.21, 4.64) 3.83 (3.66, 3.99) 3.82 (3.63, 4.01)
Years married/cohabitating, mean (95% CI) 14.53 (14.18, 14.87) 14.94 (14.46, 15.42) 13.12 (12.73, 13.52) 12.41 (11.99, 12.82) 12.02 (11.61, 12.43)
> 1 marriage/union, % (95% CI) 10.47 (9.37, 11.69) 13.19 (11.28, 15.38) 1.23 (0.81, 1.88) 5.06 (4.32, 5.91) 3.93 (3.30, 4.67)
Socioeconomic status
Woman’s education, y, mean (95% CI) 11.47 (11.35, 11.58) 13.86 (13.68, 14.03) 10.81 (10.68, 10.94) 12.04 (11.89, 12.18) 9.82 (9.65, 10.00)
Partner’s education, y, mean (95% CI) 11.33 (11.23, 11.44) 13.55 (13.37, 13.72) 11.30 (11.16, 11.44) 11.74 (11.6, 11.88) 11.38 (11.20, 11.57)
Household wealth status, % (95% CI)
 Middle or high 82.28 (79.83, 84.49) 86.86 (84.7, 88.75) 81.69 (79.41, 83.77) 80.49 (77.39, 83.39) 80.98 (78.06, 83.59)
 Poor (lowest wealth quintile) 17.72 (15.51, 20.17) 13.14 (11.25, 15.30) 18.31 (16.23, 20.59) 19.51 (16.75, 22.61) 19.02 (16.41, 21.94)
Personal environment risk factors
History of family violence, % (95% CI)
 No, father did not abuse mother 67.10 (65.14, 69.00) 85.29 (83.20, 87.15) 84.57 (83.02, 86.00) 86.33 (84.55, 87.93) 87.02 (84.98, 88.81)
 Yes, father abused mother 32.90 (31.00, 34.86) 14.71 (12.90, 16.78) 15.43 (14.00, 16.98) 13.67 (12.07, 15.45) 12.98 (11.19, 15.02)
Partner’s alcohol use, % (95% CI)
 Does not drink or never gets drunk 33.59 (31.58, 35.66) 44.91 (41.79, 48.07) 44.87 (42.6, 47.16) 64.64 (62.27, 66.94) 81.72 (79.56, 83.69)
 Gets drunk sometimes 58.22 (56.02, 60.39) 50.99 (47.92, 54.06) 49.90 (47.6, 52.21) 31.68 (29.49, 33.95) 16.39 (14.63, 18.31)
 Gets drunk often 8.19 (7.16, 9.35) 4.10 (3.20, 5.25) 5.23 (4.19, 6.50) 3.68 (2.99, 4.53) 1.90 (1.33, 2.70)
Women’s empowerment
Decision-making autonomy
 No, % (95% CI) 6.88 (5.86, 7.76) 9.72 (7.96, 11.78) 55.26 (52.45, 57.84) 20.94 (18.63, 23.45) 57.28 (54.43, 60.08)
 Yes (participates in all 3 household decisions), % (95% CI) 93.32 (92.24, 94.14) 90.38 (88.22, 92.04) 44.84 (42.16, 47.55) 79.06 (76.55, 81.37) 42.72 (39.92, 45.57)
 Score on a 0–3 scale, mean (95% CI) 2.91 (2.89, 2.92) 2.93 (2.82, 2.29) 1.97 (1.86, 1.98) 2.59 (2.54, 2.65) 1.65 (1.58, 1.73)
Gender norms: accepts attitudes justifying wife-beating
 No, % (95% CI) 73.54 (71.59, 75.39) 91.78 (90.08, 93.21) 42.50 (39.58, 45.47) 54.14 (51.27, 56.98) 28.14 (25.67, 30.76)
 Yes (in ≥ 1 circumstance), % (95% CI) 26.46 (24.61, 28.41) 8.22 (6.79, 9.92) 57.50 (54.53, 60.42) 45.86 (43.02, 48.73) 71.86 (69.24, 74.33)
 Score on a 0–5 scale, mean (95% CI) 0.59 (0.53, 0.65) 0.15 (0.12, 0.18) 1.69 (1.59, 1.80) 1.17 (1.08, 1.26) 2.48 (2.35, 2.61)
Gender norms: believes woman cannot refuse sex to husband
 No, % (95% CI) 72.98 (71.11, 74.78) 82.82 (80.39, 84.99) 71.13 (68.42, 73.70) 90.21 (88.59, 91.61) 70.02 (67.0, 72.33)
 Yes (in ≥ 1 circumstance), % (95% CI) 27.02 (25.22, 28.89) 17.18 (15.01, 19.61) 28.87 (26.3, 31.58) 9.79 (8.39, 11.41) 29.98 (27.67, 32.40)
 Score on a 0–3 scale, mean (95% CI) 0.41 (0.38, 0.45) 0.23 (0.20, 0.26) 0.52 (0.47, 0.57) NAa NAa
Financial autonomy: woman's earnings relative to husband’s earnings, % (95% CI)
 Earns about the same 11.98 (10.87, 13.18) 17.60 (15.58, 19.82) 3.54 (2.77, 4.52) 11.65 (10.41, 13.01) 2.74 (2.05, 3.66)
 Woman earns more/husband doesn’t earn 13.00 (11.79, 14.32) 7.55 (6.24, 9.09) 3.88 (3.07, 4.90) 3.02 (2.44, 3.73) 2.46 (1.91, 3.16)
 Woman earns less 31.52 (29.58, 33.53) 52.59 (49.9, 55.27) 11.10 (9.66, 12.71) 14.23 (12.81, 15.78) 19.05 (17.12, 21.13)
 Woman does not earn (unemployed or unpaid) 43.49 (41.25, 45.77) 22.26 (19.93, 24.78) 81.48 (79.38, 83.41) 71.11 (68.93, 73.19) 75.75 (73.4, 77.96)
Financial autonomy: woman's perceived control over husband’s earnings, % (95% CI)
 Woman and husband jointly 72.23 (70.37, 74.01) 78.96 (76.44, 81.28) 60.39 (58.25, 62.48) 70.87 (68.71, 72.95) 47.26 (44.59, 49.94)
 Woman alone/husband has no earnings 22.31 (20.60, 24.11) 12.30 (10.48, 14.38) 12.54 (11.09, 14.14) 7.90 (6.77, 9.19) 9.46 (8.15, 10.96)
 Woman has no control (husband alone or someone else) 5.46 (4.70, 6.34) 8.74 (7.28, 10.47) 27.07 (25.36, 28.86) 21.23 (19.16, 23.46) 43.28 (40.81, 45.78)
Community-level variables (continuous)
Community poverty,b Median (Min–Max) 0.00 (0.00–89.47) 0.00 (0.00–100.00) 9.38 (0.00–100.00) 11.54 (0.00–85.71) 0.00 (0.00–100.00)
Community acceptance of wife-beating,c Median (Min–Max) 13.33 (0.00–83.33) 5.56 (0.00–57.14) 59.38 (0.00–100.00) 47.83 (0.00–97.06) 71.88 (0.00–100.00)
Community female financial dependency,d Median (Min–Max) 47.06 (6.67–100.00) 29.41 (0.00–90.00) 83.33 (31.57–100.00) 75.76 (25.00–100.00) 78.05 (26.32–100.00)
No. of observations (unweighted sample) 4053 1932 3932 4361 4093
Population size (weighted sample) 3804 1830 3452 3833 3812
No. of primary sampling units (PSUs) 400 498 318 316 356
No. of strata 2 53 17 18 9

Note. DHS = Demographic and Health Survey; NA = not applicable; PSU = primary sampling unit. Ellipses indicate that category was not available.


The scale in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan included only 1 item.


% of women in PSU in the lowest wealth quintile.


% of women in PSU who justify wife-beating in ≥ 1 circumstance.


% of women in PSU who have no earnings: unemployed or unpaid.