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. 2015 Nov;105(11):2341–2348. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302643


The 17 Indicators of Cumulative Environmental Health Impact Included in CalEnviroScreen 1.1: California

Indicator Description Source Range Mean ±SD Median
Pollution burden
 Ozone (ppm) Portion of the daily maximum 8-h ambient concentration over the federal standard (2007–2009) CARB 0.0–1.3 0.1 ±0.2 0.1
 PM 2.5 (µg/m3) Annual mean ambient concentration (2007–2009) CARB 3.6–21.2 10.5 ±3.1 10.2
 Diesel PM (kg/d) Emissions from on-road and nonroad sources for a 2010 summer day in July CARB 0.1–125.3 10.3 ±14.3 4.6
 Pesticide use (lb/square mile) Selective active ingredients used in production agriculture (2009–2010) California Department of Pesticide Regulation 0.0–32 671.0 344.0 ±1975.0 0.1
 Toxic releases (toxicity-weighted lb/y) Releases to air or water (2008–2010) Toxics Release Inventory, US Environmental Protection Agency 0.0–5.1 × 108 1.73 × 106 ±1.74 × 107 0.0
 Traffic density (vehicle-km per h/km) Traffic volume by road length within 150 meters of zip code boundary (2004) CEHTP, CDPH 0.0–8 417.0 916.0 ±892.0 665.2
 Cleanup sites (weighted sum) Cleanup sites weighted by site type and status (2013) DTSC EnviroStor database 0.0–511.0 24.5 ±46.6 8.0
 Groundwater threats (weighted sum) Potential contamination sources and monitoring wells, weighted by site type and status (2013) SWRCB GeoTracker database 0.0–4 530.0 87.7 ±231.0 32.0
 Hazardous waste (weighted sum) Permitted hazardous waste facilities and generators, weighted by waste type and volume (2013) DTSC EnviroStor database 0.0–58.8 2.2 ±4.0 0.8
 Impaired water bodies (sum of pollutants) Number of pollutants across water bodies designated as impaired (2010) SWRCB 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies 0.0–32.0 4.0 ±4.9 2.0
 Solid waste (weighted sum) Solid waste facilities, operations, and disposal sites, weighted by site type and status (2013) SWIS and CIA Disposal Sites Program, Department of Resources, Recycling and Recovery 0.0–57.0 4.7 ±6.4 2.0
Vulnerable populations
 Children and elderly (%) % population aged < 10 y or > 65 y (2010) US Census Bureau 0.0–100.0 25.9 ±6.5 25.6
 Asthma (visits per 10 000/y) Spatially modeled, age-adjusted rate of emergency department visits (2007–2009) CEHTP, Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development 6.9–312.2 42.5 ±27.0 36.1
 Low birth weight (%) % births weighing < 2500 g (2007–2011) CDPH Vital Statistics 1.0–14.8 6.7 ±1.4 6.6
 Educational attainment (%) % population aged > 25 y with < high school education (2007–2011) ACS 5-y estimates, US Census Bureau 0.0–82.7 17.3 ±14.8 13.0
 Linguistic isolation (%) % households in which no one aged ≥ 14 y speaks English “very well” (2007–2011) ACS 5-y estimates 0.0–100.0 10.4 ±10.3 7.4
 Poverty (%) % population living below twice the federal poverty level (2007–2011) ACS 5-y estimates 0.0–96.6 33.8 ±17.8 31.6

Note. ACS = American Community Survey; CARB = California Air Resources Board; CDPH = California Department of Public Health; CEHTP = California Environmental Health Tracking Program; CIA = Closed, Illegal, and Abandoned; DTSC = Department of Toxic Substances Control; PM = particulate matter; SWIS = Solid Waste Information System; SWRCB = State Water Resources Control Board.