Figure 2.
Chronological sequence of cellular parameters and cytokines within the first year after HTx in recipients with and without acute cellular rejections. The activation markers CD25 (a) and CD95 (b), the intracellular cytokines interleukin-2 (c) and interferon-γ (d), and percentages of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (e) and myeloid dendritic cells (f) on whole DC population as well as sera concentrations of peripheral chemokines IP10 (g) and MIG (h) were shown. ACR, acute cellular rejection; DC, dendritic cell; IP10, CXC chemokine ligand 10; IFNγ, interferon-γ; IL-2, interleukin-2; mDCs, myeloid dendritic cells; MIG, CXC chemokine ligand 9; pDCs, plasmacytoid dendritic cells.