Opioid Use Subgroups.
1Drug use was defined as self-reported use of an illegal drug or non-prescribed medication in the 90 days prior to study enrollment.
2Patients with any opioid use were those who self-reported using opioids one or more days in the past 30 days at baseline.
3Patients with no opioid use were those who did not report using an opioid in the 30 days prior to baseline.
4Patients in the non-prescribed opioid use subgroup included those who reported using heroin, methadone non-prescribed, or other opioid analgesics non-prescribed in the 30 days prior to baseline. Methadone as prescribed was always for pain treatment and not for opioid dependence.
5Patients with opioid use only as prescribed reported using opioids only according to the prescription in the 30 days prior to baseline. Methadone as prescribed was always for pain treatment and not for opioid dependence.