Figure 3. DAPI staining of nuclei of the different fungal morphologies.
DAPI staining is shown in magenta to visualize more clearly the fungal nuclei. Immunoreactivity with the fungal antibodies indicated is shown in green. Panels A–G and S: anti-C. glabrata as primary antibody. Panels H–J, T, U, W: anti-C. famata as primary antibody. Panels: K–M, V, X: anti-C. albicans as primary antibody. Panels N, O, Y, Z: anti-S. racemosum. as primary antibody. Panels P-R: anti- P. betae as primary antibody. Panels K, L, S, T, U, Y: EFC of patient AD1. Panels A, H, M–Q, X: CEH of patient AD1. Panels I, J, R, V, W, Z: ERH of patient AD1. Panels B, C, D: CP of patient AD1. Panel E: ERH of patient AD3. Panel F: ERH of patient AD4. Panel G: ERH of patient AD9. Scale bar: 5 μm is the same for all panels shown in the figure.