Table 4.
Prevalence, population estimates, total per capita, and total aggregated incremental health care costs associated with selected childhood health conditions among U.S. children (6-17 y of age).
Health condition | Prevalence, % | Population (in million) | Per capita incremental costs, USD | 95% CI | Aggregated incremental costs (in billions of USD) | 95% CI |
Pain-related conditions | 18.04 | 8799 | 1339 | 248 to 2447 | 11.8 | 2.18 to 21.5 |
ADHD | 8.87 | 4327 | 2132 | 437 to 4181 | 9.23 | 1.89 to 18.1 |
Asthma | 9.92 | 4837 | 1107 | 0 to 2537 | 5.35 | 0 to 12.3 |
Obesity | 20.35 | 9923 | 74 | –632 to 888 | 0.73 | –6.28 to 8.81 |
Incremental health care costs for specific health conditions are relative to children without the specific conditions. For example, Incremental health care costs for children with ADHD are relative to children without ADHD.
Dollar amounts were adjusted for inflation to reflect 2014 dollar costs using the consumer price index medical care inflation component.
Health conditions were identified by parent response to the 2007 NHIS.
Source: 2007 NHIS and 2008 MEPS.
ADHD, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder; CI, confidence interval; MEPS, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; NHIS, National Health Interview Survey.