Fig 4. Bidirectional SOM → PYR unitary postsynaptic responses are unaffected by Nlgn3R451C mutation.
A) Simplified schematic of a SOM → PYR synapse. B) Representative traces averaged from 20 consecutive sweeps (including failures). A short 20 Hz train of 5 action potentials is elicited from the presynaptic SOM interneuron (in voltage clamp, top) and uIPSCs are recorded from the postsynaptic pyramidal neuron (WT = middle; Nlgn3R451C = bottom). Scale bars: 600 pA (SOM), 10 pA (PYR); 25 ms. C) Scatter plot of uIPSC1 amplitude for each connected pair from WT (n = 23) and Nlgn3R451C (n = 24). D) Scatter plot of uEPSC1 of connected PYR → SOM pairs showing no difference in excitatory transmission onto SOM interneurons between WT (n = 10) and Nlgn3R451C (n = 21).