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. 2015 Nov;29(11):1064–1076. doi: 10.1177/0269215514564894

Table 4.

Summary of effect on ADL performance/physical function (by study).

Study reference Measure used Time point(s) Effect Sig
Feldman24 Participant reports of difficulty. LT Change scores only reported.
No difference between groups.
Glendinning25 List of ADL activities . MT No overall scale score.
Higher percentage in intervention group gained the ability to: walk outside, bath or shower, dress and undress.
Gottlieb26 Client’s perceived difficulty in ADL. MT Change scores only – bathing and dressing.
No differences between groups.
Lewin28 ADL scale based on Modified Barthel Index. ST Significant difference in mean change score (favours intervention) at 3 months z= -3.71, P< 0.001 and 12 months z= -2.90, P = 0.004, adjusted for baseline differences. *
Lewin29 ADL scale based on Modified Barthel Index. ST No significant difference between the intervention group (M= 11.87) and control group (M=12.65) at 3 months.
MT No significant differences between the intervention group (M= 12.11) and control group (M= 12.82) at 12 months.
Data were obtained from authors – SD not given.
Marek30 Five ADL items from minimum dataset for homecare used. MT No significant difference between the intervention group (M=1.8; SD= 4.3) and the control group (M= 0.4; SD= 1.3); P= 0.65, at 6 months. *
Significant difference (favours intervention) between the intervention group (M= 2.1; SD= 4.7) and the control group (M= 3.3; SD= 4.7); P= 0.01, at 12 months.
Tinetti35 Self-care ADL score. ST Mean self-care score better (not significant) in intervention group (adjusted for baseline difference) t=-1.81, P= 0.07.
Zingmark36 ADL taxonomy. ST Of 19 ADL activities, seven showed significant improved in both groups and six activities in the intervention group only (walking inside, walking in neighbourhood, getting clothes from wardrobe, washing hair, combing hair, and manicuring).
King27 SF-36 physical component MT Change from baseline to 7 months favours intervention (not significant)
2.6 CI -1.5, 6.6 P= 0.22.
Markle-Reid31 SF-36 physical function MT Significant difference between the intervention group (M= 39.20; SD= 27.40) and the control group (M= 26.30; SD= 22.80); t=2.480, P= 0.015. *
Markle-Reid32 SF-36 physical function MT Difference in mean change score favours intervention (not significant) -5.39
CI -11.13, 0.35, P=0.065.
Markle-Reid33 SF-36 physical function Difference in mean change score favoured intervention (not statistically significant but authors argued that this was clinically significant) 5.87 CI -3.98, 17.73, P=0.24.
Parsons34 SF-36 physical component. MT Significant difference in inter-group change from baseline (I: 44.45 (3.52) to 54.04 (3.52) C: 52.08 (3.42) to 51.31 (3.42) P=0.0002). Linear mixed methods model used. *

SF-36: Short Form 36; ST: short-term, <6 months; MT: medium-term 6 to 12 months; LT: long-term > 12 months.

