Fig. 9.
Profile map summarizing the results of cell biological assessment assays, combining the effects of Rhododendron crude extracts against B. subtilis depicted by minimum inhibitory concentration. The twelve Rhododendron species were classified into four groups (i.e. 50, 100, 150, and 300 μg/mL) according to the MIC results (black vertical line). Three concentrations (5, 50, and 500 μg/mL) of Rhododendron crude extracts were applied to the two different cell lines for 24 h representing low, medium, and high antimicrobial activity, respectively. The grey shading represents the toxicity that Rhododendron crude extracts exerted on mammalian cells, i.e. non-toxic extracts are depicted in light grey, and cytotoxic extracts are shown by dark grey boxes. Panel (a) represents the results of IEC6 cells for the assays on cell viability and proliferation rates (A), plasma membrane integrity (B), cellular architecture (C), total cell numbers (D), and cellular metabolism (E). Panel (b) represents the corresponding results for HaCaT cells