Fig. 2.
Phase-space diagrams and simulations demonstrate Nav1.6 + leak is bistable for mammalian cells but not for amphibian oocytes. We compared the phase spaces and membrane voltage dynamics for the Nav1.6 + leak model (with 10:1 maximal conductance ratio) under mammalian and amphibian oocyte conditions. a Phase plane for the timescale-reduced Nav1.6 + leak model for mammals and b corresponding simulations of voltage evolution. c Phase plane of the same ion channels expressed in amphibian oocyte models with corresponding simulation in (d). Black arrows in (a) and (c) indicate the direction of voltage evolution. Red curves indicate dV/dt as a function of V for the combined system, while blue (resp. green) indicates dV/dt supposing the Nav1.6 channel (resp. leak channel) were expressed alone. In the simulations, 30 initial voltages were chosen ranging from −140 to 150 mV and clamped for 50 ms before release. The model is bistable in the mammalian case, but monostable in the amphibian case