Figure 1. Over-expression of miR-222 and gene copy gain in the X-chromosome of MM1R cells.
Analysis of miRNA expression profiling using TaqMan® Low Density microRNA Array in MM1S and MM1R cells reveals that several miRNAs are upregulated with low Ct number (A) while others are downregulated with high Ct number (B) in MM1R cells as compared with MM1S cells. Ct means threshold cycle number. (C) Top: CGH array analysis of MM1S and MM1R cells shows gene copy number gains on the X-chromosome in MM1R as compared with MM1S cells. Bottom: Closer examination of the X-chromosome reveals that band p11.3, where the miR-221-222 cluster resides, has a normal gene copy number in MM1S cells (heatmap showing in light red color) but is tetraploid in MM1R cells (heatmap showing in dark red color) (bottom).