Evaluating metastasis of the ZMEL1 line using transplantation into the
transparent casper recipient line. ZMEL1-GFP cells can be transplanted either
subcutaneously into the flank of an irradiated casper recipient (left) or
directly into the vasculature of an unirradiated casper embryo at 2 days post
fertilization (right). The fish are then imaged over a period of ~1 month
using GFP and brightfield imaging. Representative fish for both assays are
shown. For the adults, ~500,000 cells were transplanted, and for the
first 1-3 days after transplant the cells remain localized, but by weeks 1 to 4,
they widely disseminate anteriorly and posteriorly from the initial implant
site. A similar pattern is seen in the embryo transplants, but because the cells
are injected directly into the circulation, extravasation and formation of
disseminated masses occurs more rapidly.