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. 2015 Oct 16;53(11):3478–3484. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01371-15


Staphylococcus aureus colonization by body site among subjects with and without a closed skin infection

Colonization S. aureus colonization
MRSA colonization
MRSA colonization
Case subjects
Control subjects (n = 147)
Case subjects
Control subjects (n = 147)
Case subjects
Control subjects (n = 147)
All (n = 147)
MRSA-positive infection (n = 49)
MSSA-positive infection (n = 36)
S. aureus-negative infection (n = 62)
All (n = 147)
MRSA-positive infection (n = 49)
MSSA-positive infection (n = 36)
S. aureus-negative infection (n = 62)
All (n = 147)
MRSA-positive infection (n = 49)
MSSA-positive infection (n = 36)
S. aureus-negative infection (n = 62)
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Colonized at any sitea 119 81.0 47 95.9 32 88.9 40 64.5 96 65.3 59 40.1 46 93.9 3 8.3 10 16.1 27 18.4 76 51.7 14 28.6 31 86.1 31 50.0 77 52.4
By site
    Nose 78 53.1 38 77.6 24 66.7 16 25.8 57 38.8 37 25.2 33 67.3 1 2.8 3 4.8 14 9.5 41 27.9 5 10.2 23 63.9 13 21.0 43 29.3
    Groin 75 51.0 38 77.6 23 63.9 14 22.6 35 23.8 42 28.6 37 75.5 2 5.6 3 4.8 8 5.4 33 22.4 1 2.0 21 58.3 11 17.7 27 18.4
    Rectum 63 42.9 33 67.3 20 55.6 10 16.1 34 23.1 36 24.5 31 63.3 2 5.6 3 4.8 11 7.5 28 19.0 2 4.1 19 52.8 7 11.3 24 16.3
    Throat 85 57.8 32 65.3 23 63.9 30 48.4 79 53.7 32 21.8 24 49.0 1 2.8 7 11.3 13 8.8 54 36.7 9 18.4 22 61.1 23 37.1 67 45.6
No. of sites
    4 27 18.4 18 36.7 7 19.4 2 3.2 14 9.5 13 8.8 13 26.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 5.4 0 0.0 6 16.7 2 3.2 11 7.5
    3 32 21.8 13 26.5 13 36.1 6 9.7 20 13.6 16 10.9 13 26.5 1 2.8 2 3.23 7 4.8 16 10.9 0 0.0 12 33.3 4 6.5 14 9.5
    2 37 25.2 14 28.6 11 30.6 12 19.4 27 18.4 17 11.6 14 28.6 1 2.8 2 3.23 5 3.4 24 16.3 3 6.1 12 33.3 9 14.5 23 15.6
    1 23 15.6 2 4.1 1 2.8 20 32.3 35 23.8 13 8.8 6 12.2 1 2.8 6 9.68 15 10.2 28 19.0 11 22.4 1 2.8 16 25.8 29 19.7

Twenty-six patients had both MRSA and MSSA colonization.